Chapter 87- baby steps

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Who knew watching someone could be so fascinating? Who knew that garbled sounds could be one of the sweetest melodies to exist? Who knew that it felt like your heart could burst out of your chest because it thudded so loudly, so quickly when you saw your eyes land on the sight of your mates wrapped up in each other, bodies forming a cradle around their baby?

Going to wake the others had been its usual daily chore- dishing out affection through light pecks, lingering hands brushing hair from their faces and rousing them awake. But entering into Tae's room- Namjoonie's bed already empty because he'd spent the night cuddled with me, I walk over to Tae's bed and stop at the sight that greets me.

Tae's arm is slung over (Y/N)'s waist, fingers grazing against the slither of skin that had become visible as she shifted in sleep, holding her lovingly and protectively. Their legs are entangled together, her own hand under the fabric of his shirt and pressing against the base of his back- breaths even as they sleep. But between them, a cradle formed by the way their knees touch and heads curve towards each other- in that space between them is Dae Hyeonie sleeping on his back, tiny body so easily slotting in, soothed to sleep by the presence of his mum and one of his dads. 

The moment is so sweet, so perfect that I can't help but capture it through my phone- can't help but be soothed myself by the soft even pattern of their breathing- mingling to form one of the softest lullabies for my ears. I don't have the heart to wake them but as I step closer, it somehow causes (Y/N) to stir and she blinks sleepily up at me, one hand rising out for mine. I slide my hand into hers, heart thudding with happiness when she smiles and squeezes gently, tugging at me to come join them on the bed, shifting closer to make place for me.

I allow her to tug me down, arms wrapping around her waist to give her a hug. I kiss the back of her neck, smiling against her skin when she shivers whilst arching her neck.

"Morning sweetheart. Do you think you can wake Tae up- everyone's up and ready for breakfast?" I ask, shifting my head into the crook of her neck and staring at Dae Hyeonie- at the way he snuffles cutely as he sleeps, I wonder what he dreams of, I think as I continue to look at him.

"It'll be my absolute pleasure." (Y/N) coyly says, words full of mischief and teasing promise. I grin at the cheekiness in her voice, at the teasing I know is coming. Usually it's Tae who does it, but it's great to see over the years we're not the only ones who've picked up on tips and pointers to use against him.

I see the hand that rested against the base of his back form a fist and then see it rub up and down up his spine- a touch I know drives me crazy so will undoubtedly make Tae squirm. And just as I think it, I see him shift, a sleepy moan slipping out in disgruntlement as he shifts away from the touch, but ultimately ends up pressing his back more firmly against her hand. The smile she shoots me is nothing less than sweet, tormenting promise- lips curving up enticingly. 

I quickly make a decision to draw Dae Hyeonie out of the cradle- not knowing how Tae will shift next and deciding to take our baby out of harm's way. But as I stand there at the base of the bed, sliding out with my arms carefully cradling him and watching interest peaked as (Y/N) shifts closer.

She carefully unlocks their legs, smooth expanse of her skin trailing over him as she shifts closer, other hand going to gently draw her fingers across his face- lips following as she places teasing, slow butterfly kisses across his shut eyelids, down his cheeks and to the corner of his mouth.

And there it is. Just as she shifts, body turning his in the process, she ends up straddling him, the fist now coming to rest against his sternum as a splayed hand that teasingly draws it's fingers up and down- scratching lightly at his torso. The moan that slips out now is less sleepy, more frustrated and I watch as his eyes open- sleepy confusion fading to give way to pleasure and hunger- hands coming to trap her waist under his strong touch.

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