Chapter 47- Begin again

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(Y/N) POV:

Waking up the next day is instantly different. I'm no longer hiding the biggest secret of my life, it's out in the open and my soulmates have accepted me for who I am; scars and all. I decided not to drop it on them that I own the company too because frankly I don't think their hearts could take on any more surprises- and Kookie may or may not have wheedled me on the way home to keep it a secret because he enjoyed having some leverage over them.

Each step feels lighter, more buoyant, and even though the weather isn't great- a light sleet of rain and grey clouds, nothing seems to be capable of bringing me down from my floaty feeling. I slip out of bed to go to the kitchen to make a start on breakfast but am pleasantly surprised when I see Hobi oppa already there, music playing from one of his portable speakers as he flits around the kitchen, spatula in hand as he tends to the stove and starts gathering fruits. I silently slip over, sneaking my arms around him in a quiet hug, face pressed against his back.

He startles, yelling and jumping slightly before he twists to face me. His body sags and then he's waving his spatula at me in what he assumes is a threatening manner.

"Is this the way to treat your sunshine?" he scolds before the familial glowing smile overcomes his face and he reciprocates the hug, throwing his arms around me and dropping a kiss at the top of my head.

I smile against his chest before moving out of his arms so I can help him, not that he ends up letting me do much. He's more content to lift me up onto the counter so I can watch him deftly make eggs, toast bread, and quickly get to work making smoothies. His eyes are intense and focused on the tasks at hand but he keeps stopping by to briefly squeeze my hand or peck my cheek or bring a glass to my lips to taste the smoothie he's made. He's so caring and tender that seeing him so at ease cooking for all of us reminds me of the date we had. And it sets my heart into a flutter.

When the others walk in, they're already dressed, only me and Hobi oppa are still clad in pyjamas, and they smile, a chorus of 'good mornings' ringing through the air and quick movements of dropping hugs and kisses onto us. The domestic scene of this all just serves to remind me, tell me of what our lives together will look like.

I haven't felt so happy in a long, long time. They've made my life begin, truly begin. And I can't wait for it. Because I'm with them.

Once we finish breakfast, I note that the slight drizzle has come to a stop- as though the weather itself couldn't stay dismal in face of our happiness. I have psychology with Tae today and then a shift at Serendipity later. I can't wait for life to get back to normal, except it'll be a new normal, and that just makes me more eager.

After showering and dressing I find Tae waiting for me downstairs, bounding about with an excitable energy as he waits for me. When he spots me with my backpack on, headphones slung about my neck, he runs over, grabbing my hand in his and yelling out a quick 'bye' to the others before pulling me out of the living room and towards the door. I'm pulled along so quickly, I can't spin around to say goodbye so I too yell one out over my shoulder, hearing the amused chuckles that follow it.

Tae is impatient as he waits for me to pull on my shoes and I'm confused as to why he is so eager and excited to get to lessons. He's never like this usually. We chatter as we walk, Tae points out new and interesting things and places he sees on his walk and it makes me see him with a fonder light.

He points out the nest he always looks up to see in the large tree that stands tall outside the campus gates, the bakery where he likes getting fresh tiger baguettes from, the old couple he always sees sitting at the fountain and the small details which I've never truly stopped to appreciate. The way he looks at clouds and makes images of them, crafting stories from them. The way he awes and marvels over the numerous shades a single leaf can hold, the way people are always rushing about in a hurry but he stops to look at the way shopkeepers assemble and decorate the window displays for the day.

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