Chapter 3- a storm is cooking

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Just as the nurse went to lift my hoodie, my hands reached out and grabbed at her. She startled, looking at me with confusion.

"Before you check, I want you to promise the patient confidentiality I'm entitled to." I nervously stated.

The look of concern on her face deepened but she nodded.

"Of course. You have the right to your privacy." She reassured me and I hesitantly removed my hands from the firm grip I had held onto the hoodie with.

She helped me out of the hoodie, wincing as she saw the coffee stains. She rushed to get a cooling gel, some gauze, ice water and a towel.

She returned; I moved my hands to unbutton my shirt exposing my burnt skin to her. I winced myself looking down at the angry red splotches on my skin. My hand was protectively cupping my mark, I wasn't ready to bare it for her to see.

She silently got to work soaking a towel in the basin of cold water before pressing it to my heated skin. She gently kept her hands holding the towel across my midriff for ten minutes before removing it. The stinging sensation hadn't faded, and I guessed it was because of the time we took to get here, it should've been treated immediately.

The nurse put on some gloves, carefully spreading the cooling gel onto my skin, it started to numb after a while, before she carefully dressed it with gauze making sure to keep it lightly applied so it didn't directly make contact with the burns.

She gestured towards my side. I slowly and reluctantly removed my hands from my side, exposing my mark to her view. Her eyes widened but she didn't comment, instead she shot me a small comforting smile before treating my right side in the same way. I whimpered when her hands came in contact with my mark, because I hadn't bonded it was becoming increasingly sensitive and in general marks didn't respond to a foreign touch, it repelled it violently when it didn't register the touch as one of my soulmates.

The marks were starting to take on a vicious red tinge, making it look like the marks had been carved into my skin forcefully. It felt like that anyways. That the universe had forcefully pushed this burden onto me and embedded it deep into my skin.

I gingerly buttoned up my shirt again, throwing on the hoodie. It covered me from seeing the reminder of the accident that had occurred. I left the room with a bandaged body, palm stinging dully and into the awaiting arms of Eunwoo who bolted up when he saw me.

"Let's get you home." He said not asking for answers though I knew he was bursting with questions; I was grateful for his decision.

We walked home in silence; I was lost in plans of how to successfully avoid the Bangtan Boys. It was such a stressful start to the semester; fate really wasn't on my side. Eunwoo dropped me off at my dorm, kissing my cheek before walking away, waving goodbye to me before he turned around the corner to the lift.

I entered my dorm, my dormmates bustling about getting ready for dinner. I dragged myself to the kitchen, exhausted more by the events and run-ins than I was with the work shift.

"(Y/N)-ah! You're home! How was work?" Seo-yeon unnie called brandishing a large ladle as she turned away from the stove before she took in my appearance.

Her eyes scanned me before they fell on my bandaged hand and she dropped the ladle to the side hurrying forward.

"What happened? Whose hoodie are you wearing?" she asked in a flurry.

"Just a small accident at work unnie, I fell whilst carrying a tray of lattes, but I'm fine." I rushed to reassure her as her face whitened in shock.

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