Chapter 48- each day is a small step

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Lunch is say the least. I am more than glad that I decided to arrive when I had, poor (Y/N) looked moments away from being dragged home by the two rather than being given the time to eat lunch before she rushed off for her shift. And I will not allow her to waste away, since I've met her, I've noticed she doesn't keep the best track of herself, and she'd become weakened around the bonding process. I would not allow her to miss meals just because two of our soulmates couldn't control themselves around her.

The whole entirety of lunch was a noticeably stifling affair, for me at the very least. The strong clouds of emotions coming off from Tae and Jimin were enough to send me reeling and I knew (Y/N) wasn't faring well. They kept shooting her and each other furtive glances, glances that set off a warning bell inside my head that they were upto no good. I could sense the mischief and anticipation building up inside them, and their feelings of desire and want were still bubbling over and flooding me with them. It made my mind go hazy but I forced myself to push away the effect, if I allowed myself to get carried away with them, (Y/N) would not fare well at all.

I eyed the way she was pushing her food around nervously, fork pushing around the pasta and eyes nervously darting to different areas on the table, seeming enraptured by the tablecloth, the glasses, the bread basket. Clearly, they weren't being as subtle as they thought and (Y/N) was extremely adept at reading people's faces and getting a good read on them.

I cleared my throat, disturbing the two who were slyly smirking at each other and silently communicating in the way only they managed. They turned to look at me and I widened my eyes, gesturing to (Y/N) with my head and shooting them a warning shot. There was no need to bombard her with their poorly veiled desire when it was so clearly making her uncomfortable to the point she wasn't eating.

They shared an apologetic and guilty look before Jiminie was scooting over, face wiped of his previous expression and sincerity and warmth now colouring it.

"(Y/N)-ah, try some of my pasta. I think you're really going to like it." He said, bringing up a forkful to her raised face, which I noted sagged with sheer relief, bringing the proffered morsel to her lips. There was something incredibly intimate in the way their eyes caught onto each other, the tenderness behind the gesture, something so incredibly soft and caring in his eyes. Gone were the desire-driven eyes, here was the heart of a soulmate bond- being immersed in each other's lives, gravitating around each other. This was what I was seeing. And it reminded me that (Y/N) had become even closer to us, she was closing the gap that existed between us and slowly our hearts were melding, fusing together.

I could sense from the two that they were mainly teasing but they too had understood not to push too far, too quick. It wasn't fair on her, we had the time to settle our dynamics and how we fit around each other- she was thrown into it, we couldn't expect to wake up one day and have her perfectly content and adjusted to us. It would take time, and we had forever.

After lunch (Y/N) was about to set off towards Serendipity but both Jiminie and Tae grabbed either hand, squeezing it gently in apology. She seemed shocked but it melted to give way to a soft look of understanding.

"We're sorry." They chorused before brushing their lips across her knuckles, her hands raised to their mouths- they were so chivalrous in their gesture, I saw how much they meant it. It didn't stop from making her flustered though, eyes sliding away to meet my own.

"I'll see you boys back at home, (Y/N)-ah I'll walk you to work." I said, coming over to stand beside her as the two left, hands waving energetically before they turned around the corner and went out of sight.

"Shall we my lady?" I offered out my arm, holding it towards her. She laughed, a beautiful tinkling sound, before she slid her hand through to rest on my forearm.

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