Chapter 34- some TLC

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The last remnant of the memory fades away, bringing me back to alertness, eyes focusing on the way (Y/N)'s body is curled up in Joon hyung's arms, she looks so small and fragile so different to the bold beautiful girl we had come to know as our soulmate. My blood was boiling at the knowledge that it was Yuna who did that. Yuna who had made our soulmate feel so distraught and upset and hurt, that the bond was not its usual band of support and warmth but rather weighed down heavily with a gloom and misery that only mounted. It was all I could feel. (Y/N)'s sadness weighed on us too, the way her body had trembled, wracked with sobs, an endless pour of tears down her cheeks and the look of despair in her eyes was shredding me apart.

My body felt stiff and tightly coiled and I itched to outlet some of the pent-up energy. A hand touched my arm. Hobi hyung. Every touch of my soulmates were engrained into my mind, body and soul. Each touch was a memory. I didn't need to turn to know it was him. instead I allowed myself to be guided downwards, thigh cushioning my leg as the same hand came to gently draw itself through my hair.

"It's not fair Hobi hyung. She can't mess with (Y/N). She shouldn't have to go through what I did." I whisper, trying to ignore the stinging sensation in my eyes, blinking back the tears that had gathered and threatened to fall.

The ability to see memories was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it allowed me to never forget a single moment with my soulmates, moments when I was utterly content and happy. But I also couldn't stop the memories of Yuna, her predatory smile and the way her lips had drawled out threats, promises to move onto my soulmates. I couldn't get the sight of her lipstick stained mouth crooning to me, the sound of her clacking heels as she made no attempt to hide that she was following me. They still plagued me. Nights when I'd wake up thrashing, the echo of her heels still resonating in my ears. And now I couldn't stop seeing the memory of her at the mall. So openly and willingly offering her body knowing that she wasn't welcomed, was never desired. But still never stopping. And now the way her mouth twisted in anger as she voiced her hate for our soulmate's existence.

But the memory was only fuelling rage. How dare she? She was not going to make it out unscathed. No-one messed with my soulmates, with ours and got away. It was time Yuna learnt that. Once and for all.

A soft kiss pressed to my temple.

"It'll work out Kookie, we'll make it work out." Hobi hyung's voice washed over me.

I nestled into his thigh.

We would.


I looked at the way Joonie had (Y/N) protectively covered, instincts keyed up on protecting and caring. He could see her aura just the way I could see the gloom that was drenching her.

"She's so sad." I said, those three words an understatement for how destroyed our soulmate was feeling.

Next to me Jimin materialised another blanket. He didn't just have telekinesis; he had the ability to make things appear. In fact, telekinesis was a small stem of his ability. But one that everyone believed he used most.

He draped it over Kookie who was lying in Hobi's lap, eyes awake and hand tightly fisting at Hobi's t-shirt. Jiminie's knuckles gently brushed across Kookie's cheekbone before he was settling down next to me, arms wrapped around my midriff. When he leaned on me, I breathed in the scent of the detergent we used. It was on everyone's clothes. It smelt like home.

He tilted his head to rest it against my arm.

"When I get my hands on Yuna, I'm going to leave her utterly shattered." He said, his voice was low and soft and soothing but his words were a promise. His words themselves spoke of his suppressed anger, but he remained calm and gentle next to me. Jimin never got riled up easily. And when he did, it was a sight to behold.

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