Chapter 17- baby steps

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(Y/N) POV:

My cheeks flushed at the words; I wasn't expecting those to be the first words I heard when I woke up. Not to mention I wanted to wallow in my embarrassment at practically having slept on top of Yoongi.

I looked at Taehyung who was just beaming after having uttered those words, clearly unaware of the effect they had on me. My heart was thumping loudly, and I couldn't decide whether to let the confusion win or sink into the warmth his words and smile had on me.

"Umm...but I'm not?" it came out sounding like a question rather than the statement I was hoping to make. I tilted my head quizzically staring at him truly puzzled, I wouldn't use that as one of the words to describe myself. Adorable meant soft, warm, cute...something that made your heart melt, I wasn't any of those things, I had plenty of memories confirming that.

" adorable (Y/N). My little girl is going to make her soulmates go crazy for her." the memory of my mum's soft words and bright smile coming back to me. How could one word mean so much and yet still make me feel sad and lost? Thinking of her reminded me, of what was coming in a few days.

"(Y/N)-ah, I don't think you realise it, but you really are. And if I have to tell you every day for you to believe it, I will." Taehyung vowed, voice low and full of promise.

It was bittersweet to hear that he was thinking of our future, hoping for it, when all I had done was push them away and after all of that he was still willing, still wanting to be with me. I didn't deserve a single one of them, let alone all seven.

"(Y/N)-ah, what to do you want to eat?" Hoseok asked, leaning forward with a smile, detracting the conversation and I was grateful for it. He really was a mood maker.

I thought of what I would like but I wasn't feeling too hungry, I just didn't see the need to eat yet but maybe cooking or baking would help me get my mind off a few things.

"Am I, may I use your kitchen?" I asked, mentally preparing myself for a loud protest.

"Our kitchen. You don't have to ask (Y/N)-ah." Seokjin said, voice firm but gently as he looked at me with a tender gaze.

Another reminder of how wonderful and kind-hearted they were, the guilt was starting to build up at my actions towards them- had I really been running from them?

"Thank you Seokjin-ssi." I said, looking down at my hands ashamed.

A hand came to tilt up my chin, and I found myself slowly dragging my eyes to meet Seokjin's.

"Please, please...don't shut us out. We're yours." He whispered, trying to convey to me how much I meant. And I didn't need the bond thrumming with hope, nor the bodies that leaned in towards us, nor the gravitational pull urging me to get closer to know...that I was theirs.

I just needed some time.

"Okay...I'll try my best." I whispered back meeting his brown orbs with my own, silently conveying that I would try to open up, to try and learn that it was okay I had found them.

And with a flicker of hope, an ember that began to gain strength, I slowly slid out of the circle of my soulmates and headed to the kitchen, each step a resolve to slowly overcome my fears and barriers. To overcome my past.


I watched (Y/N) walk towards the kitchen, beaming at the sight of her in our home. She was bashful and uncertain, but I knew it wasn't who she was as a person today but something that had happened. Whilst I did have the ability to delve into memories, I was never going to betray her trust and privacy like that. Everyone had things they feared, everyone battled with their demons. But I wasn't going to let her suffer, I was going to help her and make sure she knew that we were going to be there for her every step of the way.

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