Chapter 63- letting go

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(Y/N) POV:

I stand outside the holding cell Yuna has been moved to. The boys had offered to come along, looked extremely reluctant to let me go by myself but had respected my decision and given me the space to cut ties with the final obstacle that held me back from happiness and from moving on completely.

I enter, no hesitation and no fear anymore, striding forward to stand over where Yuna sits- blank and statue-like, her eyes flicker up to meet mine but there's nothing except an impassive expression that greets me.
I can't sense any remorse, any regret for what she's done, can't see any guilt in her aura, can't detect any fuming energy levels. I won't and can't persuade her to tell me how she feels. Because it isn't about her, it's for me that I'm here today.

"I don't particularly care if you feel bad, if you feel even an ounce of regret Yuna..." I begin, her face tilts to keep her stare on me.

"I don't care what twisted perception you have of your mother, of me as the one who stole your childhood, but I suffered for years because of your mother, because of the woman who mentally abused me, made me so powerless and helpless that I couldn't do anything except sit there day after day, trying to endure, trying to continue living. Because of her I was a shell, because of her I just existed- alone. I can't say I'm sorry, that I'll apologise because the truth is...I never intended for her to die." I continue speaking, finally letting out everything that has been bottled up since that day, so long ago.

"It was self-defence, nothing else really. It was my last attempt to save even a scrap of myself that she hadn't scarred and damaged. I didn't want things to go that way, even if she had made living a nightmare I couldn't escape from, I didn't want her to die." I say, honesty in each word.

I hadn't wanted to escape through taking someone's life, as horrifying as it had been to live with her, be near her, I didn't want her parents, her family to mourn.
Yuna is stock-still. But I can see the hurt in her eyes, the pain. And inadvertently, unknowingly I had become the cause of it. She had been young too. Lost her mother at an early age. So even though her behaviour and actions were unwarranted and couldn't be justified- I felt pity for her.

I know how hard it was to grow up without a mother, I knew the pain too well.
But that didn't mean she could lash out and hurt other lives in the process.

"It was an accident. One I regret, one I will atone for myself. But I didn't have full control over my ability, I didn't know the full extent of what I could do. That was the beginning of learning who I was, how my ability worked. If I could go back, I'd save her. Even though she was a monster for me, I'd save her. Because the life was never mine to take." I say, sincerity in my words, even as my voice wobbles.

Yuna's eyes are filling with tears, becoming glossy as they spill over silently, coursing down her sunken cheeks.

"You've read 'Cursed Fate', that has been my way of cataloguing my pain, trying to deal with it, the webtoon you're such a fan for, is the horrible tale that was my life." I speak, voice full of pain, watching as recognition enters her eyes, her lips part in shock and disbelief.

"But even though you were hurting, your way of going about finding solace was unjustified and hurt many others. I hope you can find peace with yourself Yuna," I finish, having nothing more to say to her, nothing further to explain what had happened that day, the fateful day that had me marked me as cursed.

My past has ended, something I've overcome and can now leave behind, Yuna...has the rest of her life to dwell on it, live with it. And now...I'm finally free.

I walk out from the holding cell as a free soul, all the hurt, all the lingering remnants of the past held captive between those four walls, imprisoned alongside Yuna.

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