Chapter 74- the wedding night

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(Y/N) POV:

There's a charged electric silence as we drive back- as if the air itself is crackling with the week worth of emotions, of the lack of contact we've had with each other, of the week gone without even expressing slight tactile affection. It mounts higher and higher, making my heart squeeze with anticipation. It's as if there's a ticking time bomb waiting to go off any second, the slight tension in the drumming of fingers in the large car- all of us at the back, hands grazing, eyes lingering, bodies tilting to each other- a deep, innate magnetism urging us closer and closer, threatening to make the barrier holding our restrain back, shatter.

But the moment the door closes, it's as if the tension suddenly bleeds out, with the breathless giggle when Kookie stops me from entering the threshold on my own two feet and swings me into his arms, my hands snaking around his neck to stop me from falling, drawing our faces closer. He doesn't set me down when we enter, eyes ensnaring my own, the usual glittering innocence of his beautiful doe eyes now replaced with a darker look- eyes simmering with the intensity of the desire and need coursing through all of us.

He reverently sets me down on the couch, leaning down to engage my lips in a long, slow sweet kiss- an outpouring of love and easy affection as our lips slide together, my face leaning up to capture his lips longer, chasing after them even as he parts them, leaning back slightly to shoot me a soft, heart wrenching smile.

A smile I've missed seeing for a week, and I capture his face before he leaves.

"I've missed you so, so much." I whisper, gently thumbing my fingers over the highs of his cheeks.

I hadn't realised how complete I'd felt around them until I had spent a week apart, it'd left an achy feeling in me, a gaping hole that only they could fill- that they had filled again.

But the moment he steps away, the charged electric feeling comes swooping back in with full force, and when Tae's hands reach down to guide me up, I slide my hands in his- feel the warm strong strength of them guide me, and I'd follow him everywhere.

And when we step through to our shared bedroom, I felt my breath catch, feel the slight sting of tears at the way they've decorated the room. Soft candles having been lit at some point by someone before we got home, the soft aromatic scent filling the air. There's the bed scattered with rose petals, dotting the white silk sheets.

They look to me nervously, awaiting my reaction.

And their efforts never fail to bring a smile to my face.

"I love it, thank you." I say, looking at each of them with my heart bursting at its seams.

And then they all step forward in startling unison- bringing a flash of memory to my mind, of our first time together all those years ago. And it makes me shiver with the intensity of that memory- of the waves of desire it sends crashing through me.

But then they're all bickering and jostling each other good-naturedly as they come forward, Jinnie oppa bearing a ring box which they open to display the ring that is so perfect, so fitting.

And to resolve who gets to put it on, they all touch it in some way as Jinnie oppa slides it on, allowing them all to share in that moment. It sits perfectly on my finger.

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