Chapter 73- our happily ever after

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(Y/N) POV:

It's like a stampede of elephants are trampling across my stomach, nervousness replacing the butterflies associated with today. My stomach is in knots, a tightness in my chest that makes each breath feel laborious and confined within my chest, thumping loudly and wildly in a desperate attempt at escape.

I fidget with my fingers, pausing when I look at the ring, the sight of it bringing me a small semblance of calm- something that's grounding me whilst inside there's a war going on.

JB oppa's hands come to settle on my shoulders, turning me to face him as he looks at me with warm love, fondness in every feature.

"Stop worrying kitten. If anything, the boys are even worse." He tries to reassure me.

But the knowledge of that only makes me highly conscious of the bond, of the panicky feeling that weighs it from each end. That makes it sit heavily in my gut and pull me down even further into a growing sense of nausea. I've been trying so hard to ignore it but oppa's words bring the full weight of the bond's transmitting each of my soulmate's current feelings to come crashing into me with a high force that just serves to tighten the knots in my chest further.

I clutch desperately and frantically at his forearms, try to ground myself when my fingers grip tightly at the sleeves of his suit jacket.

"You'll be fine kit. I'll be with you every step of the way." He promises, eyes roving over me with a proud look, eyes slightly misty.

"Don't cry, you'll set me off." I threaten even as my own breath hitches and I feel the tell-tale sign of tears prickling the corner of my eyes. I blink them away furiously, desperate not to let them fall.

His face becomes slightly fearful, nervousness widening his eyes.

And then over his shoulders pop's up Jackson oppa's face, grinning widely at me, throwing me a slow deliberate wink before raising his voice slightly.

"Ahh, why are you making the bride cry? You know her mothers-in-law won't be pleased if you ruin her makeup!" Jackson oppa scolds, JB oppa turning frantically to hush him but the damage has been done.

My seven future mothers-in-law descend onto the two of us with formidable expressions, shooing away JB oppa and sweeping me away from him, all of them murmuring to each other as they run careful eyes over me to make sure no damage has been done.

Yoongi oppa's mother steps forward, eyes crinkling as she gives me a gummy smile near identical to the one on my soulmate's face, cupping my face carefully in her hands as she beams at me.

"You're a treasure my love. Yoongi is so lucky to have found you too." She coos, staring at me with warmth before pressing a quick butterfly kiss to my forehead. She steps away only for the gap to be immediately filled by Tae and Jimin's mothers.

Both of them come to cocoon me from the sides, in an achingly familiar gesture to their sons, Tae's mother brushes a strand of my curled hair slightly back whilst Minnie's mum coos as she fixes the embellished hair combs that pin my hair up.

"You make such a radiant bride my dear." Minnie's mother coos, leaning forward to brush a careful kiss across my cheek. On my other side Tae's mother shoots me a slightly mischievous look.

"Did you wear the gift we sent?" she whispers conspiratorially, leaning forward to talk in a loud whisper, drawing giggles from my other mothers-in-law, all of them leaning forward and sporting teasing smiles. Joonie oppa's mother has gifted him with his beautiful dimples, her own deepening as she leans forward to adjust the neckline of my dress- her hands careful and precise, so contrastingly different to the adorable fumbling of my soulmate.

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