Chapter 61- desperations

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(Y/N) POV:

I can't stop the violent fluttery feeling in my stomach, nor the wide smile that stretches across my face, nor the heat radiating off my cheeks. I said it. I love Jinnie oppa. All of them actually. And I don't regret saying it, the only regret I do have is that I didn't get to say it in a meaningful moment- instead, it was tacked on to the end of my apology. It was hurried.

And I don't know how he reacted to it, or even if he'd heard it or processed it. Maybe it was too soon for him? Maybe I threw it at him when he wasn't ready. But I couldn't stop the sentiment ringing true and making each and every one of nerves thrum with the feeling- giddiness, elation, and certainty. There was no confusion or hesitation on my end.

I loved them.

And I couldn't wait to let them all know. So with the smile still stretched across my face I reached the photography room where Eunwoo was currently waiting, to show me the photographs before he submitted them.

I spotted him immediately on entry and hurried over.

I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him close and swaying his seated figure from side to side briefly.

"Morning Eunwoo!" I chimed, easily noting the exuberance in my own voice.

He twisted to face me, eyes sliding off the screen to scrutinise my face before his own split into a matching expression of joy.

"Bond going well then?" he teased, eyes twinkling.

I hummed in response, eyes crinkling at the thought of them.

"I never thought I'd see the day where you so happy with your soulmates. I'm really glad for you." he says, words earnest.

"Thank you Eunwoo...really." I say back, hoping that my sincerity and love for him is conveyed through those words. He has been one of those buoys keeping me afloat- stopping me from drowning in my own pessimism and downward spiral. Eunwoo is safety.

"Do you wanna see them then?" he asks, drawing my attention back to the reason I'm here in the first place, and I nod, biting my lip as I wonder how they'll have turned out.

But the photos are so incredibly moving, so raw and vulnerable in the way how each photograph captures a penetrating sense of loneliness, of isolation, of an emptiness. From the first photo where I sit looking dead straight into the camera, to the one where I only wear the green sweater- all of them show moments of being alone, of the most vulnerable moments.

It stirs up memories of what I have endured, have suffered, of days and months and years past but it doesn't strike me with chords of despair as it always would, it stirs up feeling of strength- that I can look at the photos and see how far I've come, I can look at them and see something I've overcome. The difference between who I am now and who I was makes me feel happy.


It's nearing midday- and I've submitted the photographs, all I can do know is hope for the best. I haven't seen Kookie and Tae hyung, so I figure that they are yet to submit theirs and just on cue they come rushing in, faces red and slightly out of breath, eyes frantically scanning the room until they spot me. Their eyes widen in comical unison and they come rushing towards me, behind them the door slams open again and soon the rest of them save for (Y/N) are rushing in, all heading to my direction. I wonder what it is that they want, and why they're all eyeing me with a unknowing glint in their eyes.

It makes me fear for my life and I don't know if I'll make it out alive between the seven of them who encircle me.

"Have you guys submitted your work?" I ask Tae hyung and Kookie, trying to break the cloying silence.

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