Chapter 50- I'm fine...we're fine

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I felt (Y/N)'s body slacken, I twisted around in alarm to see her body slumping against the wall. My hands shot out to steady her, watched as her eyes began to become unfocused and slide away from me. I noticed the beads of sweat gathered at her temple, the sheen and sickly pallor on her skin. Her knees buckled and if my hands hadn't been on her she would've gone crashing to the ground.

A startled cry burst out of my throat. It made Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung dart forward, I could hear them rushing but all I was focused on at the moment was the drained look on her face.

"(Y/N)-ah." I whispered to her, voice breaking slightly. She was unresponsive, her eyes were glazed over.

"(Y/N)!" both hyungs cried out, alarm and panic in the word as they crowded around her, on either side of me, flanking me and subtly placing themselves in a protective stance.

My hands were trembling as they held onto her, she was limp and I watched with growing horror as her eyes slid shut, the very little hold she had on her body vanishing. I had to rush to place my hand to cup her head before it went careening into the wall.

My worry for (Y/N) was mounting, I couldn't even feel the stinging in my own body from the scuffle with Choi. I hovered over her before my arms went around her to scoop her up, cradling her towards my chest.

I knew the reality of everything that had happened was yet to sink in, yet to fully dawn on me but right now I was running on adrenaline and I wanted to get out of here before it petered off.

"Hyungs take us home." I pleaded looking at both of them with shining eyes. They helped me into the backseat, (Y/N)'s head cradled in my lap and when we started the drive back home, only then did I let the tears fall into her hair. I leaned over her, muttering apologies into her hair. That I hadn't been able to protect and that she needed to wake up.

We drove off leaving the flashing police cars and the people behind our horror behind- they would be dealt with at a later point. Right now all that mattered was (Y/N).

"Kookie love, we're here. Come on let's get you both inside. Let hyung take care of you. Come on Kookie, let Hobi take (Y/N)." Yoongi hyung called out, standing in front of the open door, words soft as he stood there waiting.

I didn't realise we'd reached home, that the car had stopped moving.

Hobi hyung's arms came in to gently pick up (Y/N), my grip on her tightened, I didn't want to let her out of my sight right now. I needed to be with her.

I didn't realise I was muttering those words out loud, clutching desperately at her sleeves.

"Hey, hey. Kookie it's fine, you're safe." Yoongi hyung said, I felt my muscles loosen, my grip on her go lax. I was shivering, body trembling. It was sinking in; how close we'd come to losing each other.

Hyung guided me out of the car, arms around me with a solid strength I could rely on, my body was leaning on his but he effortlessly guided me into the house, Hobi hyung behind us as he carried (Y/N). I twisted my head frantically until I caught sight of her, she was safe. Safe.

The moment we entered the living room there was an explosion of noise. Voices overlapping, loud and incessantly buzzing in my ears, it made me recoil. I didn't want sound, didn't want to hear voices at the moment. It was a voice that got us into this mess and even whilst the logical side of my brain recognised that, I couldn't help the nausea that welled up inside me.

"Stop." I pleaded, a broken whisper but it carried over the din and into hyung's ears and I don't know what he said but the voices quietened down. Instead a deathly hush descended over the house.

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