Chapter 58- in it together

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One becomes two. Two becomes three. Slowly the number of friends Dae Hyeon has in her life increases, she begins to live life with companions by her side. A fierce circle of friends who look out for her, care for her, love her for who she is. The seventh addition comes when she is 15.

The others are yet to arrive, so she dithers near reception, mindlessly fiddling with the strap of her backpack, straightening out her jacket, smoothing out imaginary creases on her shirt and just as she's about to pull up her left sock, a figure comes crashing into her and the two of them go tumbling to the ground in a tangle of limbs. Just as Dae Hyeon braces herself for the agonising pain that will shoot up her head when it inevitably collides with the pavement, she's pleasantly surprised by the warm, large hand that cradles her face protecting her from injury.

The hand is surprisingly gentle and they help her back up, bringing her upto a seated position and then holding his hands out to set her back on her feet. He looks abashed, face colouring with embarrassment as Dae Hyeon just stares at him. He fiddles with his own sleeves, straightening them out painstakingly before looking up at her through eyes obscured slightly by messy locks of hair.

"I'm so, so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm new and I was a bit nervous and..." he begins to ramble before Dae Hyeon cuts him off, placing a hand on his sleeve and stilling him.

She looks up at him, smiling at him in a way she hopes is reassuring and not a grimace.

"It's okay, you protected me with your hand—" and then suddenly comes to the realisation that his hand might be injured. She spots a graze that is red, drops of blood slowly coming to surface. She winces and his eyes catch on that, follow her gaze, and promptly proceeds to shove his hand behind his back.

"You're hurt." It's a statement, not a question and she shoots him a firm look, gesturing for him to bring his hand out.

He does so slowly, bringing it up for her to see. She reaches out to brush a hand over it, healing energy bursting from her fingertips and healing the abrasion, leaving behind an unmarked hand.

He gapes at her, eyes widened with awe.

"I'm Dae Hyeon and I'm 15, Grade 10." She introduces.

He clears his throat before sticking his hand out.

"Gyeom, 15 and also Grade 10." He says

And just then six other boys appear, rushing over to where the two stand.

There faces are a mix of trepidation, worry, protectiveness and curiosity.

And like that, seven become eight.



"You know, it's not fair! Why do all of my friends know you so well?" Kookie huffs from where he's lying against Jiminie and looks at (Y/N) who is currently curled up against Yoongi, he's asleep and decided his pillow for the time being was her.

"Look Koo, it's not my fault!" she whisper shouts, looking affronted by him as he shoots disgruntled looks at her.

"Well, I just learnt that you've known Yugyeom since you were both 15! 15! How do I compete with that? And for my own soulmate too?" he protests loudly, becoming louder and louder with each word. But it hasn't descended into anger, it's just him venting.

I'm keeping a close eye on the two, the last thing I want is a full-blown argument over something trivial. Kookie is feeling a bit insecure but that doesn't mean that he lashes out and says stuff that the two will be hurt by later.

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