Chapter 32- the day ends badly

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"Let's go Tae." I called up the stairs waiting for him to come down so we could leave for our date, I intended to pamper and spoil him a lot, we hadn't been out for a date for some time and I wanted to cherish him, spend the day showering him with my affection and show him how much I loved him.

Instead of replying, Tae appeared at the top of the stairs and my breath caught in my throat. He was stunning. He smiled at me, mouth stretched in his boxy shape and it was so endearing, so painfully soft that for a second, I gaped until he was making his way down, long legs striding closer to me. When he was one step away, I reached my hands out to clasp onto his waist and tugged him closer to me, noses brushing slightly before I was cupping his face to draw him into a sweet tender kiss.

"Let's go baby." I say as we part, leaning our foreheads together before tugging him behind me to get into the car.

Driving to the mall itself is a challenge with the way Tae's presence affects me, hand intertwined tightly with mine, the way when he leans over to change the radio station he brushes a kiss across my cheek or the way his low voice croons along with the sultry lyrics of the song that chooses to play.

Before we leave the car, I raise our intertwined hands to press kisses across his knuckles, gently tracing over them with my lips.

"Come on hyung, we've got lots to do." He says but his voice is wavering slightly and he looks tempted to pull me into a kiss.

I laugh, gently extracting my hand so we can get out but grab hold of it again when we're walking into the mall.

"Where shall we begin?" he says eyes shining as he looks at me.


We're just leaving the food court, laden with shopping bags when Tae suddenly freezes. I turn to see what's caught his attention. He's looking curiously at a lingerie store.

"Do you want to get something baby?" I ask, propping my head on his shoulder from where I stand behind him.

He turns to look at me, excited gleam in his eyes. And a deep hunger.

"Hyung...when (Y/N) is comfortable and wants to...can we all come here with her?" he asks, voice low and with a sense of excited optimism.

I reach out to thumb across the top of his cheekbones, watching as his eyes flutter and he leans into the touch.

"I hope so. If she wants to, we will. I promise." I say and suddenly it doesn't matter where we're standing, who's around us. All I see is Tae, looking at me with such hope for our future. Keeping eye contact with me, he tilts his head into the hand cupping his face and presses a soft kiss to the inside of my palm.

The beautiful moment, the bubble of perfection around us from just being together is shattered violently when a high pitch voice drawls out from somewhere in front of us.

"Oppaaas." We turn to see the person behind the voice. Yuna. I feel Tae tense next to me and we both straighten ourselves up, faces wiped of previous emotion and now just blank, eyes filled with disgust for the thing in front of us.

She sashays forward, exaggerating the movement of her body but frankly I'm too revulsed by the sight of her cakey face that I barely notice until she's standing extremely close to us.

Tae's hand comes to latch tightly on the side of my waist, providing both of us with some much-needed tactile comfort. He glares at her, meeting her eyes with his own filled with ire and hatred.

"What do you want?" he spits out, teeth tightly grit.

She forms an over-exaggerated pout, dropping her eyes to look at the ground before she attempts to look at us sultrily through her lidded eyes. It doesn't work. The only girl who can do that is (Y/N). (Y/N) who looks at us so shy but sometimes so surely. (Y/N), our soulmate. Not this pathetic excuse.

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