Chapter 56- healing

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Jinyoung hyung brings out a tray laden with food, face twisted with an intense look of concentration. He kneels down in front of (Y/N), hands already bustling about to pick up a bowl and spoon.

"There's food in the kitchen for you all. Go eat whilst I make sure (Y/N) eats." He says, shooing us away with a tilt of his head, everyone unwillingly get to their feet and linger, taking each step slowly, eyes constantly darting back to look at (Y/N). Even JB hyung is shooed out, Jinyoung hyung doesn't budge.

I loiter in the doorway, unwilling to step through and enter the kitchen. I know I could probably manage to scarf down food quick enough but I don't want to leave her.

"Tae go. I'm with her." hyung orders but then his tone softens with understanding. Heart reassured and put to ease I step through to the kitchen.

A pair of arms snag around my waist, and I allow them to gently tug at me until I'm being into a lap.

"Sit and eat with my baby." It's Joonie hyung, voice low and slightly gruff. He pulls a plate towards him, shooting Jin hyung a grateful smile before he's scooping up soup, to bring to my lips.

I part them, allowing him to slip the spoon inside, letting the thick warm soup flow into my mouth, flavours bursting on my tongue. Joonie hyung's hand settles on the low of my back, dipping under the loose fabric of my t-shirt to settle against my mark. The heat and love that radiates and seeps out from his touch on my mark spans across my back, settling into me with a deep heavy feeling of comfort. Everyone knows that touch is a sure way of providing comfort, but when your mark is touched, it can help settle your soulmate- provide their soul with relief too.

I relax into hyung's hold, content to let him feed me and himself alternatingly. The others are also being more physically tactile, lingering touches, knees pressing together, hands that brush or simply leaning into each other as though starved for affection. But I know it is an offset response to seeing (Y/N) in such a distressed state.

Thinking back to what happened in the station sends shivers up my spine. I can't get the image of (Y/N)'s slumped figure on the floor, the sheer look of nothingness engulfing her eyes, the lack of recognition, awareness or consciousness. I can't get the thump of her knees colliding with the floor, the sudden sap of energy and the numbness that just emanated from her and our bond. It was horrifyingly like when we'd first met, except then it had felt like a wall. Now it just felt like a void, an abyss.

I don't realise Joonie hyung has been nudging gently at my lips with chopsticks, holding out some meat for me.

"Baby—Tae, you with me?" his voice softly brushes against my ears.

I startle turning to shoot him an apologetic look.

"Sorry hyung...I got lost in thought." I confess, lips twisting into a frown.

Joon hyung leans forward and gives a quick peck, the act is so sudden that I look up at him startled.

"Baby, we have to be strong. For her, for each other and for ourselves." He reassures me, hand still slowly, leisurely stroking my mark, sending large waves of love shooting through my body.

"She needs us Tae. She needs you to be strong." He confides to me, the words breathed between us.

Distantly, there's the light clattering of dishes and utensils. The low sounds of murmurs. But I focus on what hyung has said. I brace myself and gather my strength.

Why? Because (Y/N) needs me. And I'm not going to fail her.


I bring the spoon of soup up to (Y/N)'s mouth, holding it in front of her lips, gently nudging at them to get her to open her mouth. She parts her lips obediently, eyes trusting as she gazes at me.

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