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This was bullshit. Complete bullshit. She didn't wear Polo's and white tennis skirts and she certainly didn't play tennis but if you were a member of the Montgomery-Sloan wedding you did and it was bull shit. She didn't even know what to do, and not to mention she wasn't even sure how to serve the ball.

She had played once in gym class, which was fine because she only did something when the teacher was looking but now she was playing tennis with a bride that was kicking her ass. It was moments like this when she wasn't sure why she was friends with Addison. Addison was bullshit, tennis was bullshit and now she just wanted out.

"Meredith!" Addison half laughed, half screamed, the ball hitting her in the chest. "The ball is supposed to bounce off the racket, not my boobs!"

"Sorry." Meredith groaned, going back to the end of the court.

"Okay. This time, try to aim...over here." Addison pointed.

"Some of us didn't have tennis lessons growing up." Meredith laughed, hitting the ball with her racket backwards. "Where did it go?"

"I have no idea. You're really bad at this."

"Not my fault."

"Do you want me to come over there and show you how to do it...correctly?"

"No! Because I suck....I suck at tennis."

"Should we get you an instructor?" Addison laughed.

"You love this don't you?" Meredith laughed as she went and reached for another ball. "Molly and Lexie...and Christina...and Izzie...George...Everyone was right...I can't play tennis or do anything else with balls."

"If that was the case...you wouldn't have gotten sex in an airport lounge."

'I....that's not what I meant."

"Just...pretend I'm one of your ex-boyfriends. My racket, not my boobs." Addison advised.

"Fine." Meredith bounced the ball, before tossing it up in the air. "Love six!"

"What? That...no." Addison shook her head, cracking up.


"Never mind." Addison said as her cell phone went off. "Shit. I have to go talk to the caterer but I'll be right back. Just...practice or something."

"Yeah....I'll practice." Meredith mumbled as Addison took off. She had to get out, quickly before Addison came back. There were more people in her wedding party that could play with her. So she had to go, the beach would be good. Hawaii was full of beaches. The sand felt good as she kicked off her shoes, carrying them in her hands as she rushed down the beach. "Crap."

"Did you win?" Derek's voice interrupted Meredith's thoughts.

"I...what?" Meredith turned around quickly, spotting the man from her flight in front of her. "Oh...it's you."

"So...did you?" He asked again, laughing at he reaction to seeing him again.

"No....I didn't."

"Not surprising. You don't strike me as the preppy tennis playing type."

"I'm not....preppy." Meredith frowned, looking at the sweater tied over her polo, before looking at him. "So...you're wearing...golf clothes."

"That's what people wear when they play golf." Derek nodded, sitting down on the sand next to her.

"Why aren't you with the groom?"

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