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Derek's stomach was in knots as he stood at the altar, his bride standing across from him. He wasn't nervous or scared, but excited. The last wedding he had been to, he had watched Meredith from across the aisle, as she laughed at Mark's cheesy vows and smiled as her best friend said "I do." And now it was their turn and a moment that he wasn't sure he would ever get to with her. She had repeatedly told him that she didn't date, and had run from him as hard as she could. But no she was his for the rest of their lives and they were about to make it official in front of their family and friends.

"I um....I'm not good with words but...I wrote something and if it's cheesy...I'm sorry but I'm rambling so...I'm just going to read what I wrote." Meredith replied, pushing a stray hair from her face. "So um....there are seven wonders of the world it seems but...what people don't know is that there is another one...isn't a tourist site...it's the wonder I fell in love with. And I don't know how I ended up with such a wonder because you're great and I gave you a hard time, but here you are, loving me anyways."

She looked more beautiful than he had ever seen, in the white dress that she had picked out with Lexie and Addison a few months ago. Her hair was down like it always was, slightly curled and Derek was unable to take his eyes off of her. It was unbelievable that they had finally gotten to this point. Their house was almost done, they were planning on kids and everything just fit.

"And I don't know how this happened, I have things I never knew I wanted until you were the one giving them to me." Meredith breathed, her eyes glistening with tears. "But in getting those things...I learned I wanted more. I want to be the best wife I can, I want to make you happy and give you things you've given me and more. I love you. But I think what I love most is that you never took a moment to let go of me. You held on when I didn't think you would and that's...it's really big because if you hadn't I wouldn't have the best life anyone could ask for. So...I love you."

There were times when he worried that he pushed to hard, and that would make her pull away even more. But all the pushing and all the fighting for what he wanted had been worth it. And they definitely hadn't gotten there the traditional way. But the way that it happened was perfect for them.

"Der...." Meredith whispered, her sound barely even catching in his ear as she squeezed her hand. She smiled a bit as she got his attention, before mouthing, "Your turn."

"Sorry." Derek laughed, the smile on his face not going anywhere. "I...wow...okay. Meredith, when we met, you didn't want anything at all to do with me. You were annoyed at a cancelled flight and I was just...amazed by you. Your smile...just everything. I already loved everything about you."

Meredith smiled as he continued his vows, squeezing his hand as he delicately spoke each word he had written out. Fairytales weren't supposed to exist, but she was living out her own right now. She had never believed in love, but now she found it hard to believe that there was anything else responsible for this moment. They were together, they were happy and the ring was becoming so much more then the best Christmas gift.
"I don't know if it was fate...or coincidence that we met again at our friends wedding, but ever since that weekend, you've been in my head and in my heart. And I honestly feel like the luckiest man to have you in my life. We've been through some stuff some bad, but mostly good." Derek continued, his eyes not moving from hers. "And they'll be more of that...some bad, mostly good. But we'll do it together...I love you, Meredith."

"I love you too." She mouthed as the priest resided over their wedding. There were words being said, important ones but all she needed right now was him. Derek Shepherd, the man who made her life a fairytale in front of her. He was the man who wanted to give her the world. She was in love, madly in love with that man. "I do."

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