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One month. It been almost exactly one month since they had talked about the house. And now, today, the builders had broken ground. There was a driveway cleared for the workers to get through that would eventually become their driveway. Derek had watched as they began to work, in awe of how everything between he and Meredith had come along. Months ago she had been too afraid to even call him her boyfriend and now they were building a house together. It was a start to a lifetime together. Of kids, and soccer games, and family barbeques on the back porch. While it all sounded cliché, it was all that Derek wanted, as long as it was with Meredith. He wanted to give her the life that she deserved and that she hadn't gotten as a child.

Meredith was going to be ecstatic about the house. And he wouldn't have to wait long to tell her as he got to her office building to pick her up for lunch. She was finishing up paper work at her desk as he came out of the elevator.

"Ready for lunch?"

"Hey..." She smiled, looking up as she took a pen from her mouth and sat a stack of files down.

"Lots of work today?" He asked, walking behind the desk and kissing her hard.

"We just took on a case with sextuplets." Meredith replied. "It's keeping us busy."

"Seriously?" Derek asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Seriously." She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"That's...Can I work here?" He laughed. "I want in on that case."

"You wish."

"It's a lot of babies...probably not all going to be healthy...I can help."

"You wish."

"It's a lot of babies...probably not all going to be healthy...I can help."

"I'm sure Addison will let you know if you can do anything." Meredith said, reaching for her purse. "Mother is about ten weeks and already has gestational diabetes."

"Tell her I'd love to help." Derek said, pulling Meredith back to him as she walked toward the elevator and kissing her.

"Hmm...." She smiled, her finger moving to entangle his hair.

"Mer..." He moaned against her lips.

"I wish it was time to be off work...and be naked."

"It can be."

"But it's just my lunch break." She smiled, backing into the elevator.

"So?" He smirked.

"So...we can't get naked....right now." She breathed, hitting the floor to the lobby before pulling him to her lips.

"Hmmm...Who said?" He murmured.


"Why not?"

"Because...I have to work."


"Later." She giggled, kissing him before getting off the elevator.

"Where do you want to eat?" He laughed, leading her outside.

"A place that has food."

"Thanks for the help."

"What do you want?" She asked, pushing him up against a building and kissing him.

"You." He groaned, pressing his erection against her.

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