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There was still no relationship. They spent as much time as possible together, kissed and cuddled and slept in each others beds, but it was not a relationship. Especially after what had happened with Thatcher. Ever since then, Meredith had been more distant and less open to him. It was understandable. Having a father like that couldn't be easy, and Derek hated that she had to deal with that. And if just spending time together, lying on the couch watching TV made it better, then he would stay there forever.

"Jennifer Aniston is really pretty."

"Yeah, but she's not as funny as Phoebe." Derek laughed.

"I think she's funny." Meredith replied as they watched an episode of Friends, while she laid on top of him.

"Joey reminds me of Mark." Derek said, rubbing her back.

"Joey's better." Meredith giggled.

"Don't tell him that."

"I won't..." She breathed, burying her face in the space between his shoulder and neck.

"But I agree with you."

"That's nice."

"You okay, Mer?" Derek asked, kissing the top of her head.

"Yeah..." She whispered, pressing a light kiss on his neck as she ran her hand along the other side.

"What should we have for dinner?"

"I don't know." She whispered, lifting her head a little to kiss his lips.

"Pasta?" He suggested, kissing her back.

"It's up to you...I'm not hungry."

"Oh." Derek frowned, worried because she hadn't eaten a lot the past couple of days.

"I'll eat later." She whispered, burying her face in his neck again.

"Sounds good." He kissed the top of her head again.

"You smell good." She replied, ignoring the sound of the television.

"I don't smell like hospital?"

"No." She giggled tiredly, "But if you'd a brought those scrubs back...."

"Then I would have smelled like brain."

"But I like the scrubs...."

"When they're clean, I'll bring them." He laughed.

"You have a billion scrubs. Meredith said, as her hands moved around his chest.

"How do you know that?" Derek laughed. "Snooping in my stuff?"

"You're a surgeon." Meredith whispered. "You have a lot of scrubs."

"You're right. I do. I could bring them next time if you like them so much."

"For me to....like sleep in?" Meredith asked as his fingers ran through her hair.

"You want to sleep in my scrubs?" Derek smiled.

"They just....they look comfy," Meredith shrugged.

"I'll bring you some then."

"Okay..." She whispered, turning her face away from his neck.

"I can get you some that actually fit you. Mine are probably way too big."


"Unless you want mine."

"Yours." She whispered, her finger messing with the fabric of his blue cotton t-shirt.

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