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She was smiling and she was afraid to admit it, but she thought just maybe for a split second she had let out a light giggle, which made other people in the airport look at her strangely but she didn't care because the ring on her finger meant after five days, she was allowed to be excited to see him. The last time she'd been this excited, it was her twenty-first birthday and she could legally order a drink. She smiled as she saw on the plasma airport screen that his flight from JFK had arrived on time. She just wasn't sure how much longer she could wait for him to come out of his terminal and she would see him. Her fiancé.

It seemed like the whole plane must have emptied, but when she saw the familiar hair round the corner, his eyes on his Blackberry, she couldn't help but smile. He was expecting to take a cab home, but she'd managed to surprise him and wait. He had a separate flight from Mark and Addie who had left from New York to go spend New Years back in Hawaii, so he just planned on taking a cab and meeting her for dinner late. But she was here and she felt a wave of relief as he finally looked to see her. He was grinning ear to ear as she bit her lip and smiled, waiting for her fiancé to come see her. Meredith took a deep breath, using her hand with the diamond to push her hair back as he slowly walked up to her, his grin still there. "Your taxi is here."

"Really?" Derek laughed, sitting his bags down.

"Really and it's free fare...for my fiancé."

"Gee, thanks."

"You're home....in Seattle."

"I am." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her.

"How was the flight?" She asked, biting her lip.


"Well...at least your home."

"I missed you....so much."

"I missed you too." She whispered, ignoring the sound of people moving about their own way.

"I got yelled at for calling you too much." He laughed.

"I think you called every two hours on Christmas." She giggled.

"You didn't seem to mind." He grinned.

"No....and there was that phone call...." She smirked. "The one late that night..."

"Ahh...I remember that."

"I hope you were alone during that..."

"I was actually with my sisters." Derek said, his face completely serious.

"You what?" Her face fell.

"I'm just kidding." He laughed. "I was in the privacy of my own room."

"That's....you shouldn't joke about that stuff."

"You really think I would do that around my family?"

"I would hope not."

"That would be seriously wrong."

'Very wrong." She replied, kissing him quickly.

"Now we can do that for real." He grinned.

"Oh...funny boy." She giggled, kissing him again "Baggage claim?"

"Let's go." He laughed, holding her hand as the walked in the direction of the baggage claim.

"I beat George at Go Fish last night." Meredith giggled.

"That's exciting." Derek laughed.

"And Laura...Molly's daughter...well you know that but the point is...she was there...and she kept trying to eat my cards." Meredith giggled as they went down an escalator.

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