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She was texting him, for the past half hour since he had left she had been texting him, which was bad and stupid but she couldn't stop because he had started the texting. They had fun, a lot of fun and now she was bored, so she was responding to all of his texts.

"Are you done having sex?" Lexie asked, sitting in the arm chair near the couch.

"What?" Meredith jumped up. "We...what?"

"I heard you guys. I was going to come down and get a cookie but I got to the top of the stairs, and turned around."

"We...we weren't having sex." Meredith insisted, the color draining from her face. "There wasn't...we didn't....no sex."

"It sounded like sex." Lexie laughed, picking up a magazine off the coffee table.

"No it was...just kissing.:" Meredith replied, looking down at her phone and responding to his latest text.

"That was some loud kissing."

"He's a good kisser."

"Sounded like it."

"He is..." Meredith stopped and looked down at her phone as she read his message, a small smile playing at her lips. "Just kissing Lexie...we didn't...nothing more."

"Is that him?" She smiled, glad that her sister was happy.



"No it isn't.....Lexie!" Meredith snapped as Lexie snatched her phone away.

"Seriously?" She started to laugh. "He's so corny."

"What did that one say?"

"Here." She tossed the phone back. "Read it yourself."

"Oh geeze." Meredith giggled.

"Are you going to go out with him again?" Lexie asked.

"No." Meredith bit her lip, sitting her phone on the coffee table.

"Why not? You like him, don't you?"

"Lexie...no...he's great but...I'm not doing the date thing again."

"But he's great."

"I know...."

"Do you like him?" Lexie closed her magazine.

"No...." Meredith breathed, watching the phone vibrate. "No...he's...I don't like him."

"What'd he say?" Lexie asked, resting her feet on the coffee table.

"He um...nothing." Meredith breathed, looking at the message.

"He wants to have sex with you?"

"No...." Meredith shook her head, putting the phone down.

"Izzie said he's a really good guy."

"He is and if I....he's the worlds most perfect man...but I don't...I'm not interested."

"Then can I have him?"

"What?" Meredith frowned.

"You totally like him."

"No I don't." She rolled her eyes, jumping to grab the phone as she got another text message.

"Fine. Then next time he comes over, I'm going to make cookies with him and you can sit upstairs."

"You know how to make cookies....I don't."

"Then I'll make out with him on the sofa instead...Since you don't like him."

"No...that's...you can't." Meredith replied, texting him back and looking up to her younger sister. "You...he's not a toy."

"What's the difference between that and what you're doing to him?" Lexie asked.

"Nothing." Meredith answered defensively, "I just...okay...I like him."

"I knew it." Lexie grinned.

"I just...I can't help it." Meredith replied, biting her lip. "But I'm not...I can't change just because I'm attracted to him...I just won't."

"What about the whole world's perfect man thing?"

"If that existed...he'd be the worlds most perfect man."

"Did he ask you out again?"


"And you seriously said no?" Lexie groaned.

"The worlds most perfect man...wants to be with me...or he thinks he wants to be with me and I won't let him Lexie." Meredith breathed. "I can't even give him a shot and you if anyone...knows why."

"Dad." Lexie breathed.

"Among other things but...Thatcher...who calls me daily and I've ignored three of his calls today but....you know this."

"Dr. Shep...Derek really likes you, Mer. The way he looks at you..."

"And he's great but it's not...I'm not interested in dating."

"He's not Dad, Meredith."

"Can we not talk about Thatcher? He was two different people to you and I."

"Fine." Lexie groaned, standing up out of her chair. "But you're not living with me and my husband when you're 60 years old and alone."

"My 134 cats will take good care of me." Meredith rolled her eyes as her phone began to ring.

"Enjoy your cats." Lexie shook her had she left the room.

Meredith rolled her eyes as she picked up her cell phone, smiling a little. "Hey."

"Hi...Sorry for calling...I know I just left." Derek said.


"But I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie or something...I'm at home and I'm bored and...Do you want to come over and watch a movie?"

"Watch?" She laughed.

"Watch a movie...make out. Same thing." He laughed.

"I don't know...." Meredith replied sarcastically, reaching for her purse. "Will it be worth it?"

"Definitely worth it."

"Okay....fine." Meredith sighed dramatically knowing she didn't want to turn him down right now. Besides, it wasn't a date. "Text me the directions?"

"I will. It's...not too far but...kind of out in the middle of nowhere."

"Oh Great." Meredith sighed into the phone.

"It's not that far." Derek laughed.

"Alright....anything I need to get?" She asked, walking out her door.

"I don't think so. Unless there's something special you want to eat."

"Nothing I can get at a store." She replied, locking her door.

"Okay." He laughed. "I'll see you soon."

"Okay....bye." She replied, closing her phone quickly, noticing the small icon for a voicemail she must have missed. She quickly logged into to her voicemail, hearing a familiar sound fill her phone.

"Meredith! It's...Daddy..." Thatcher stuttered. "Why aren't you answering your phone? You're being just like your mother. I...Where are you? I need you to come...I fell and...Why aren't you answering your damn phone? Your...Lexie, I can't call Lexie. I need you...scotch. And...God damnit...Where are you?"

Meredith groaned as she closed her car door, quickly erasing the message from her phone before tossing it into her back seat and pulling out of her driveway.

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