Final Author's Note

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For those who reached the end, thank you for supporting my story. It means so much to me, and I appreciate all the love.

It was so hard for me to share Cameron's story because it was sharing a part of my personal life to the world. I endured bullying because of my skin (I have dark circles around my eyes, circles darker than my own skin) and I suffered from depression because of the bullying and the rumors that spread in highschool. It was so bad that at some point I wanted to change schools, but I realized that would disappoint my parents more than I ever wanted them to be.

I told them, I told them I was suffering. But it fell on semi deaf ears because they said that all of it could be "prayed away" and that I'd be fine. I wasn't fine after.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a strong Christian and I've changed a lot from that time of my life and my parents are amazing and kind-hearted, but the support that I received made no indifference in my life. I was a socialite, and then because of all that bullying and the self hatred that I began to feel, I became an introverted girl.

But nothing lasts forever, guys, I promise you.

This story is so close to my heart because I brought my own experience to life through Cameron. It's so dear to my heart because I wanted to let those that are suffering from depression, that feel like they have no one to talk to, and that feel like the whole world is against them, that there are millions of people just like you, millions of people in the world that love you, and millions that will love you no matter what.

You are never alone.

That's all I have to comment on this book. It was so fun writing Cameron, and for now, I'm going to take a break from writing. Thank you so much for all the support I received while I was writing, and to those that joined along the way, thank you as well.

Till Next Time,

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