Wedded Bliss |Chapter Eight|

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The next morning Petals nudges Kade's back with her wet nose, demanding to go out

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The next morning Petals nudges Kade's back with her wet nose, demanding to go out. "Alright," his voice comes out gruff as he shifts his arm up to push off, only to cup a girl's chest instead.

"Kade, not again. I'm so feckin' sore." Truly groans and rolls away toward the wall.

Kade raises a brow, slightly amused at the idea of being shot down when he didn't even offer. His mirth quickly fades though when he realizes he'd somehow hurt her with their repeated beddings. A custom most Atlanteans practice, including his own family, to ensure the line while proving they can sate the other. One he assumed she'd want to follow since she seemed worried about encompassing their traditions. I hadn't meant for it to hurt her. I just wanted to show her I was serious. Perhaps it's because she was a virgin. I've never been with another who was.

Unable to do anything about it now, he shifts forward, placing a kiss on the side of her neck. "I have to take Petals out. I'll be back soon, Treasure."

Truly hums in response and curls into the blankets more.

Slipping out of bed, Kade slips a pair of workout shorts on and unlocks the door heading out into the hall with Petals as he heads down the stairs. The smell of breakfast wafts through the air, reminding him just how hungry he is. I can just swing in after. Kade's eyes widen in realization. Fuck, Truly. I don't even know what she prefers to eat or if she'll want to come down here. Some girls, particularly the lasses who are more than just a one-night fling, dislike mingling with the rest of them.

Opening the door to the backyard for Petals, Kade's instantly hit with a strong breeze as the trees around the house bend and groan. The torrent of rain even has Petals pausing for a moment before she reluctantly heads out into the tropical storm to do her business.

This thing's going to last a few days. Just the smell and the way the clouds are moving tell him so. When an ominous crack fills the air, Kade tenses. A rush of adrenaline fills him as a large tree branch plummets straight towards Petals. "To me!" He bellows in Russian, the branch narrowly missing her as she dutifully runs to his side. Thank god. A wave of relief fills Kade as he drops beside her and runs his hands over her. "Good girl. Good girl." As smaller branches break and take to flight and a few chairs slide, his jaw tenses. Why wasn't any of this shit secured?

Throwing open the door, he storms into the nearby dining hall with Petals by his side, looking like the High Captain he is. "Batten down the hatches!" He loudly decrees, making many of his brothers jump to their feet. "Get on the horn and tell Theta Sig and the others to do the same. Use the warning system under my name for the row if ye have to. Just get me for my authentication when it's time."

Jumping to his feet, the vice president of the fraternity nods and heads up to do so.

"There's shit flyin' around out there, yet none of you thought ta secure it?!" He throws the locals of the island a dark look.

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