Bartered Brovern |Chapter Twenty-Seven|

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Winter solstice and the new year have passed since the Adébáyọ̀s forcibly abducted Kade

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Winter solstice and the new year have passed since the Adébáyọ̀s forcibly abducted Kade. Since he's been in their grasp, they have subjected him, sometimes hourly, to different rituals meant to cleanse the siren's hold over him.

Unamused by such a brazen act against one of their own children, the lieutenant governors of the three other islands immediately took action. Nikolai struck first, unable to ignore such a slight against his family. He sent his eldest, Draken the cruel, to deal with their fleet's traitor as he demanded Mama Jemila immediately release his son or face the full wrath of the Broverns.

Within a week, their isle and Davelvon's each raised their bridges to Wintershall, declaring hostile threats from the Adébáyọ̀s against greater Atlantis. Atlantean news instantly went aflame with speculation, as tourists and Atlanteans suddenly found themselves unable to travel to or from the Northern island.

When the second week hit and Traitor's Noose raised the last bridge, the world took notice of the trade embargo that was decreed against Atlantis's northern island, and many countries warned their citizens not to travel to the pirate nation.

All eyes in Atlantis accusingly turned to Wintershall and their lieutenant governor for their misfortune. By the third week, Jemila finally caved in the eyes of the nation as she agreed to come to terms with her fellow lieutenant governors. It was all for show, though. The Voodoo mistress's work was complete. Kade was no longer under the siren's thrall.

On the appointed negotiations day set to take place at Traitor's Noose's sea blue capital building in Lefan, Mama Adébáyọ̀s escorts Kade within their Parliament House of Fleet's grand chamber. Within Bray Crawford, Nikolai Brovern, and Shane Davelvon await, looking stern and united in their cause.

"Di boy was neva in any harm. I was merely keepin' di islands safe an him as well from di foul things in di sea." Her eyes turn to Nikolai with pity in them. "Yuh no comprehend di vile things dem can do tuh yuh. It a fate worse den death. We could not afford tuh let Drake suffa it and lose di Kraken tuh dem demons."

A hard look crosses Nikolai's face. "You took my son and attempted to kidnap his wife, intending to harm her. Do not look for sympathy from me, woman," he decrees with a heavy Russian accent. "If it were up to me, I would banish you from this island as the ways of the concord dictates." On a ship and left to her fate with no titles or safe harbor for her and her crew.

Mama Adébáyọ̀s rises to her full height and tilts her head up, refusing to look weak in front of these men. "Di boy is returned. I expect di embargo lifted and all tuh return tuh normal." Her eyes flick to Bray, knowing he is the most cool-headed of the three.

"So long as you and your line never step foot upon Davelvon or Brovern without approval of the reigning lieutenant governor." He dips his head, his salt and pepper hair falling slightly in his face as he does so.

"Of course." Jemila's lips thin as she dips her head in acknowledgment. "I will take me leave now."

"Jemila." Shane's voice gives her pause. "I'd keep t'at fear of t'e ocean if I were ye."

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