Sall Omen Oo |Chapter Twenty-Nine|

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Under the water, he finds not only Truly, but in the distance other figures much like hers swimming off in the distance as Merfolk go about their business

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Under the water, he finds not only Truly, but in the distance other figures much like hers swimming off in the distance as Merfolk go about their business.

Truly zips around just a few meters in front of him, bringing a smile to his lips. She glides around the water with natural ease, twisting and turning to show off for him. Truly quickly turns toward him and, in a blur, she's suddenly in front of him. She gives him a quick peck on the lips before his brain can process she's there. A giggle escapes her lips.

Kade's eyes widen when he registers her proximity, and on instinct, he jerks back, releasing a good amount of bubbles so that he's forced to swim to the surface.

As he swims up, Truly grabs hold of him and pulls him back down, planting a kiss on his lips. It's not just any kiss though, he suddenly feels as if he's taken a deep breath from a pure oxygen tank. When she pulls away, she playfully wiggles her brows at him and mouths, magic.

Throwing her a bit of one of his annoyed looks, Kade grabs her arm and jerks her back for a proper kiss, uncaring that they're underwater if she's giving him air. As he does, his other hand pulls her closer and drops to her ass or where it should be. Pulling away, his brows lightly furrow as he maneuvers to look at her ass or lack thereof.

Truly turns, trying to figure out what's wrong.

Unable to tell her below the water, Kade swims to the surface and waits for her to break it after him. "I donno how I feel about this look of yers now." His eyes drop to her ass. "Ye lost yer nice arse."

Truly gives him an unamused glare. "Ye don't need a bum in ta water."

Kade scoffs as he treads water. "I beg ta differ. Clearly I need ta bed you more in water to prove it."

"Ye don't grab on ta a bum..." Truly cuts herself off as she turns red. "Neva mind. I still have me bum, and I'll have ye know that down t'ere." She points off into the ocean. "I'm considered quite attractive, and ta boys aren't complainin' about me lack of bum."

"Only cause they've never seen how nice yers looks on land." He counters, daring her with his eyes to say he's wrong. "Ye can't tell me the men here only admire yer rack." His eyes drop to said rack, admiring her in her shell top.

"Noh, t'ey like t'e pearls most of all, and ta way me scales shimma. Also me fins are quite t'e turn on. Or so I'm told." She sticks her tongue out at him.

Kade's lip lightly curls. "If you say so, but," he slaps where the curve of her ass begins, the water naturally lessening the blow as it steals his inertia. "I still love yer arse on land. Ye have a fine one, Treasure, even if yer scales do shimmer pretty. Now I'd love ta watch you swim all day, but not in bloody jeans. They're killing me ability to swim." He pulls away and swims back to where they originally started. When he gets to shore, he turns to look at her, a soft smile on his lips as he watches her swim. "Are you planning to swim for a bit or do you need me to carry you ta shore?"

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