Her Final Pearl |Chapter Thrity-Four|

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After a night with little sleep, thanks to Coco's antics and Kade keeping his promise, they return to the cove the following morning, well after dawn

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After a night with little sleep, thanks to Coco's antics and Kade keeping his promise, they return to the cove the following morning, well after dawn. "So what's the plan this time?" Kade sets their cooler down upon the hut's porch. "Am I going chest deep again?"

"Noh, ye'd be more comfortable in ta shallows." Truly digs out the pearl she stuck in the board shorts yesterday. "I didn't want ye breathin' sandy water in yestaday. I'll have ye jist get deep enough ta submerge yer lower half when layin' down."

"This sounds like some ploy ta get me on me back than in the water." He flashes her a playful grin.

"Like I need a ploy for t'at." Truly snorts. "I jist have ta say I want ta feck ye in ta water and ye'd be bare arse naked in ta surf before I finished me sentence."

"We, ye mean," he throws her a roguish look. "I'm not fool enough to go without you, only to have you change yer mind. And," his eyes turn to the surf, still not used to how much stronger the smell of salt is in the air. "Are you sure waist deep is far enough? If I change, I wouldn't have to crawl my way out? You were sitting far more out than that when you were sitting switched."

"For your first time, aye. We still don't know exactly what'll happen." Truly's look turns unease. "I want yer head about water and ye breathin' t'rough ye lungs. Ye naturally know how ta do t'at, plus I don't have ta worry about ye stirin' up sand. I'm probably not goin' ta switch taday. Whether ye like it, we're goin' ta take t'ings slow." When she glances at him so he can see how serious she is about this. "Yer goin' ta be using ye muscle very differently, and it might take a bit ta get it down."

"I thought you'd want to demonstrate?" He tilts his head at her, patting Navi's head as he briefly joins him in the water.

"I think it'd be easier ta stand next ta ye and show ye what ta do. T'at and I want ta push on ta muscle to show ye how ta engage yer fins." Truly grabs his water and joins him out in the water.

Kade's shoulders lightly sag. "Yer gonna trap me in the cove all day, aren't you?"

"Like ye said yesterday, omen." Truly holds out the pearl and water to him. "One step at a time."

That's not what I bloody meant. His eyes narrow. "I meant we go through the phrases first, not that." As he takes the pearl and water from her, Kade walks further out and reluctantly sits where it barely hits his waist.

Navi comes barreling up behind him, sending a small wave showering Kade, who throws the dog a dark look and splashes him with a kick of his legs. Truly snickers as she comes up beside him and takes a seat.

"So is this the last one for sure?" Kade eyes the pearl between his fingers as he looks at it in the sun before his gaze flicks to her.

"T'at's up ta ye. It's at least workin', so if ye want ta keep goin' we can, if ye want ta stop, we can." Truly's gaze drops to the pearl. "Are ye sure ya want ta take it farther t'an t'is?"

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