Her Holiness, Priestess of Triteia |Chapter Twenty-Eight|

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As they approach the statue, Kade notices the statue's dressed in what looks like a shell bra, and her skirt flows down over her legs and forms into a tail

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As they approach the statue, Kade notices the statue's dressed in what looks like a shell bra, and her skirt flows down over her legs and forms into a tail. Around them, the sound of trickling water and an odd avian call echoes off the walls.

Kade's eyes snap up towards the sound on instinct, knowing it must be a gigantic bird with the wingspan he glimpsed and the volume of its call. "What is that?"

"A phoenix." Shane flatly tells him.

Right... Kade nods as his brow raises. Voodoo in the morning, and now god knows what this is. They worship a mermaid, that's all he knows for sure, and there's no known religion to his knowledge that has one of those statues.

Orison pulls back a large fern, blocking the base of the statue where a woman kneels at the feet with large baskets of fish laid out in front of her. She's dressed exactly like the stone goddess, down to the gold crown placed upon her head. Chains hang off of coral-shaped branches with starfish, shells, and pearls set in them.

Throwing Shane one last look that hides his annoyance only so well, Kade reluctantly strides up to the Priestess and tips his head. He recites a portion of the greeting he remembers, at least getting that part of it right, "Arreoou, arrnah ehee." He's experienced enough with languages to know better than to wing the rest. People will take offense if you really butcher their language.

To his shock, Truly whips her head around to look at him, making the chains on her crown jingle. "Kade!" She gasps as her eyes fill with tears. Truly quickly jerks to her feet.

"Treasure?" Surprise crosses his features as he moves towards her.

Truly pulls the crown from her head and runs toward him before leaping into his arms. She tightly hugs her arms and legs around him as she buries her face into his neck. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again," she weeps quietly in his ear.

"Apparently he took ta hug option as well," Orison chuckles behind them. "Corse, she's given ta lad bigger hugs t'an she normally gives me. Ain't fair. I haven't gotten a hug like t'at since she was five."

Kade's arms slide instinctively under her ass to hold her, and he leans his head against her shoulder as the familiar smell of citrus he's missed greets him. "I'm just glad they managed ta get to you and keep ye safe. The last place I wanted ye was with me."

"I wanted ta come for ye. I tried ta get away ta rescue ye." Her gaze drifts to her father. "Can I leave ta temple now?"

"Aye, lass, ye can leave now. We'll leave ye ta show him ta entire island." He nods to them both before he and Orison turn, heading back up the path.

Truly slides herself off Kade when they are alone and pulls just far enough away to look up at his scruffy face. Her blood-shot eyes and soaked cheeks make her look like anything but a priestess.

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