Tea With A Side of Plotting |Chapter Thirty-One|

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As Truly sips her morning tea and gently strokes Navi's head, who is resting on the swing bench couch in their small living room, she glances up at Kade, who's now been on the island with her for a week

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As Truly sips her morning tea and gently strokes Navi's head, who is resting on the swing bench couch in their small living room, she glances up at Kade, who's now been on the island with her for a week. "I forgot ta tell ye ta I got visited fifth granddah, and he gave me ta name of Merrik's oldest livin' descendant. Apparently t'is man knew Merrik when he was a lad."

In the kitchen making his Turkish coffee, Kade's head snaps towards her, and he turns with interest in his eyes. "Aye? Did he know Dour too?"

"I don't know, luv." Truly rises and digs a piece of paper out of her back pocket. "I jis got ta name and address. "Dour was ta olda brotha t'ough, and t'ey were jist young lads when t'ey knew Merrik. If he didn't meet Dour t'en maybe Merrik told him stories about his brotha." She set the paper down on the dark wood coffee table in front of her.

"Think he'd talk ta me since I'm of the Islands?"

"Aye, he should." Truly frowns as she takes a sip of her tea and tilts her head in thought. "Do ye t'ink we're prejudice?"

"No." Finished making his coffee, Kade kicks Navi off the couch and joins her. "But Drake caused a lot of drama, as did the others, and I look like him."

"Ta man is almost two hundred-year-old, omen. I don't t'ink anythin' is fresh in his head. Even if he remembers evert'in' clear, he neva met Drake, he's from Drake line, me people don't hold grudges, and it was still five hundred years ago."

"Alright." Kade shifts, pulling a leg up to face her. "I get it. I'll see about talking ta him, but first, we need ta discuss other things. I talked ta me brother," he takes a sip of his coffee, as his mind goes over that unpleasant conversation. "Draken was sent ta round up everyone me friends saw seeming ta work with the Adébáyọ̀s." A look of unease crosses his face as he fiddles with his cup, revealing by his behavior his brother's not a man you want sent after you. "Gideon's gone. He was given ta his family to deal with ta prove their loyalty. I had the school confirm his records were sent ta a school in England. Same with Maven and another. Since they were never one of our fleets, threats were made by me brother. If the man ever steps foot on Brovern or Davelvon, he'll meet the underside of the Abyss." His eyes flick up to her. "Me brother's frigate, he clarifies, since he knows she might know the ship by name. "Draken's not known for his subtlety, he prefers terror tactics actually, so if they are others, they'll conveniently forget their part in it and whatever they were asked to do."

"So are t'inkin' it's safe ta go home now?" Truly sits up straight, showing her excitement.

"Let me finish." He throws her a look as he takes a sip of his coffee. "The call last night was from Finn. I'd asked him to do his own looking into that night, warning him who was involved from my side in getting ye out. They found a few yer dad sent Brody ta talk to. Yer grandpa Orison reminded everyone yer like the bloody Pope, who has his own police and guards. They'd like ye to consider using them when we return home."

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