Lieutenant Governor Davelvon |Chapter Fifteen|

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After several days of trying to text her, Kade's had enough

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After several days of trying to text her, Kade's had enough. She's either through with him or her family took her phone. Intent on getting answers one way or another, even if it means he sails up to fucking Emerald Island, Kade heads over to the OT-Nu house.

When the pledge that tried to drag Truly off to her brother at the end of rush week answers the door, all the blood drains from his face.

"Where's Davelvon?" Kade's expression hardens. "I need to speak to him."

Just as the kid is about to say he doesn't know, Finn walks down the wooden set of stairs behind the pledge.

Glancing up from his phone, Finn's shoulders drop. "Awe, feck me sideways. I should've stayed in me bloody room." He pockets his phone into his blue jeans and steps down into the landing. "Tell me yer here for someone else."

"Why would I have business with any other OT-NU?" Kade raises a brow.

"Donno, wishful t'inkin'. What ye want?" Finn steps out of the way for his fleeing pledge to head to the dining hall.

My damn wife. "You know what this is about, and unless ye feel like airing this out here, I suggest we go somewhere else ta talk."

Finn lets out an annoyed huff. "Fine, let me get me keys." He turns on his heels and jogs back up the stairs, only to return minutes later with keys and wallet in hand.

Turning on his heels, Kade walks towards the old Spanish moss tree and the skerry. "Skeleton Skerry good enough for you?"

"Aye." Finn sticks his wallet in his other pocket, before twirling his keys and shark tooth key chain around his finger.

When they reach it, Kade turns. "Where have you taken her? Don't tell me she's here. She's not."

"Wasn't gonna say she was." Finn catches his keys, stopping their spinning, and shoves them in his front pocket. "She's home with me mum and dah. Has been since ta day ye left her cryin' on de docks, so why don't ye tell me why yer feckin' askin' where me sista is and actin' like ye care."

Kade's chest tensing and the knowledge he made her cry. "She's my bloody wife. Of course I care. Being a Brovern doesn't make me heartless."

"Yer hand fasted to her." Finn corrects as his gaze drops to the pearl around Kade's neck. "Yer hand fasted ta her cause of her fickle ways, and ye abandoned her when ye were barely married a week. So why don't ye do yerselves both a favour and give me her tricord, and," he points to the necklace. "That back. Ye can wash yer hands of her and get back ta yer old life."

Kade stiffens. You didn't just say that. "Aye, we're hand fasted, it's the Atlantean way after all. Sorry if our traditions are still barbaric to ya after five hundred years. I would'a thought with Orison being the first to do it, the stories of ye being above our ways were bollox, my mistake."

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