High Cappy | Chapter Eleven|

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Truly spends the rest of the night with Kade, waiting out the storm as she gets to know his fraternity brothers and friends

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Truly spends the rest of the night with Kade, waiting out the storm as she gets to know his fraternity brothers and friends.

The next morning, she lays pinned between Kade and the wall, their bodies entwined together. A sudden barrage of chimes wakes her in the early morning hours, telling her that the phones are back. With a groan, Truly reaches over Kade, and grabs her phone off his desk. The moment she opens her screen, she sees texts and missed calls, not only from her parents but from her brothers, cousins, grandparents, and uncles. "Feck me sideways." She groans, knowing that if she doesn't reply soon, a horde of Davelvons will descend on her. "Kade," she softly whispers, and lays a gentle kiss on lips. "The storm's over, and I need to get home."

"You are," Kade gruffly counters, his voice deeper from sleep.

A smile crosses her face as she runs her hand up and down his side. "I still need to go check on Nutless." When his arms don't move from around her, Truly starts tickling his side. "And ye are about to have people reportin' in, High Cappy."

Not ticklish, Kade merely grumbles into her neck as he catches her hand. "That's High Captain Brovern to you, woman."

"Is t'at so?" Truly chuckles. "And how are ye going to stop me from calling ye, High Cappy."

"Like this," Kade's fingers find her sides and attack.

Truly jerks and screams as she tries to wiggle out of his grip. "I yield! I yield!"

"Who said I offered quarter?" Kade smirks, tipping his head towards Gidon's family flag that shows a devil's skull with the words no quarter over it. Lowering his mouth to hers, Kade kisses her but reluctantly pulls away far sooner than he'd like. "To the shower with you, lass." He slaps her ass. "Knock first and lock the door to the other room."

"Aye aye, Cappy." She smirks, grabbing her clean dress she stole back from Petals and washed. Truly hops down from his bed and knocks on the door first, thankfully finding it empty.

When they're both dressed and ready, Kade musters up the others to check the grounds as they finally release their guests to go home. "You can head back. I have to check the row and discover if there're any injuries or missing I need to be concerned about. It could take hours," he warns, "and likely will spread ta all of Bellamy if not Bristham."

"Bristham shouldn't be a problem." Truly slips on her sandals. "T'ere are older High Captains t'at live here, and captains."

Kade raises a brow. "You're drinking buddies with one?"

"Noh. Me daddy wouldn't let me live here unless t'ere was a high captain older t'an thirty. Lucky for me, t'ere is." She bounds up to him and gives him a peck on the lips. "I can come back later if ye want."

"I can come by when I'm finished unless you prefer..." Heather, fuck. "On second thought, belay that. Call me and tell me if it's clear. I'd rather not be gored by an angry Uni." He grins, using Killian's nickname for Heather. "And I think you'd prefer not ta have a scene."

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