Brovern Heirs |Chapter Nineteen|

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After a quick lunch at one of the street vendors, Kade leads Truly through the bustling crowds, sometimes throwing looks at any fool who seems to consider making a lewd remark or touching her

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After a quick lunch at one of the street vendors, Kade leads Truly through the bustling crowds, sometimes throwing looks at any fool who seems to consider making a lewd remark or touching her. "What do you want to do, Treasure?"

"Do ye wanna go ta de cannon demonstrations?" She throws him a playful smile as she wraps her arm around his.

An unamused look crosses Kade's face before he slaps her ass. "Only if you intend to take me back ta our bunk and not the fun way that has me bedding ye."

"Oh, like yer up for t'at anyway." Her gaze runs over him. In his authentic period wear, the thought of bedding him has been crossing her mind quite a bit today.

Kade raises a brow at the obvious challenge and pulls her flush against him. "If it were dark, I'd press ye against the side of one of these buildings and prove ta you just how wrong you truly are." Capturing her hand, he slides it between them and cups himself with her hand, letting her feel exactly what she does to him. "Just say the word, Treasure," he breathes against her lips, his voice slipping down an octave, "and we can show them how it's properly done where we come from."

Truly turns a deep shade of red as her eyes go wide. There is no way she'd agree to do anything here, especially mid day, but her body naturally reacts to him. With her free hand, she wraps it around his shoulder and captures his lips in a sultry kiss.

A grin crosses Kade's lips as they pull away, but it drops at the sight of his brothers and Riggs coming their way. Fuck, I can't let them see her, especially not dressed like this. "You need to push me back and get away from here as quickly as you can." A tone of urgency fills Kade's voice, even though he keeps his body language as relaxed as he can. "Go somewhere safe and don't look back no matter what you hear." His eyes flick away from them and to her. "Do it, Truly."

"What?!" A look of panic and confusion washes over Truly as her grip around his shoulders tightens.

"Don't look back at me, Draken's here." Kade shoves her away and wipes his lips with the back of his hand like she'd kissed him without permission before he turns and strides away, towards his brothers and Riggs Mercer, one of the hidden bastards of their line, hoping to cut them off.

Truly watches him walk away, confused and hurt, before it sinks in what's going on and she dips into a store to keep a close eye on him.

Stepping right in front of him, Draken, dressed in a similar style, shoves Kade back a step as their younger brother Brycen and Riggs flank his sides, trapping him in their midst. "Going somewhere, betrayer?" His elder brother of six years spits out in Russian.

"Don't start something you'll regret, Draken," Kade darkly warns as his hands automatically move to rest on the hilts of his cutlasses. "This is Treason Days."

Draken's eyes turn cold and narrow as he steps forward, leaving only mere inches between them. "Being dressed up as Drake doesn't save you from me, little shit." His eyes briefly travel with displeasure over his younger brother. "You're not even fit to wear it since you bring nothing but shame to the Brovern name."

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