A Formal Affair |Chapter Twenty-Five|

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The night of Greek row's collective formal dance Truly comes walking out of their bathroom in her light blue silk and pearl dress she wore on her wedding night

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The night of Greek row's collective formal dance Truly comes walking out of their bathroom in her light blue silk and pearl dress she wore on her wedding night. She stops in her tracks when she sees Kade buttoning up his dark blue dress shirt that he wore the same night. With the ocean and the setting sun behind him from their open balcony window, he looks as breathtaking as ever.

Turning towards her, Kade stills as his pupils dilate and his own mind instantly jumps to the last time she wore it. "I think ye just dulled the stars, Treasure. Ye look ravishing."

A light blush appears on her cheeks. "T'ank ye. Ye look so dashin', like ta night we were hand fasted."

"Ye had me thinkin' of that night too, omen." Kade's eyes run appreciatively over her silk dress that cuts dramatically down in the back as it threatens to drop in the front if only he moved a few strands.

"I hope I look betta t'an I did t'at night. I actually had a chance ta get ready."

"Ye looked breathtaking then, but aye," Kade agrees as he crosses the room to her and steals a kiss. "No man will be able ta keep his eyes off ye." His gaze slides over her basically bare shoulders. "Will ye be warm enough? Much of it's outside and it's startin' to cool a bit."

"I t'ink so. I don't eva really get cold." Truly runs her hand up and down his chest, feeling the crisp cotton against her palms.

"Well if ye do, I can think of a way to warm ye up." A playful grin crosses his lips as his hands slide around her waist.

Truly's lip curls up. "Yer a scoundrel." She slides her arms around him and slips her hands to his ass, giving it an affectionate squeeze. "And I love ye for it."

Kade's expression turns earnest. "I love you too, me little siren. Think I can get a song from ye tonight?"

"Aye, but not till later, cause I know ye, ye'll be bedding me soon afta." A smile spreads across her face. "Is t'ere a particular one ye want ta hear?"

His own hands drop to cup her ass. "Ye know, which are my favorites. Beyond ta ancient mist and the one ye sang at yer cove, Crownin' pearl."

Truly rises on her toes. "How about t'is? I'll sing ye ancient fog tanight." She nips his bottom lip. "And wake ye with t'e otha in ta mornin'?"

Kade's eyes instantly heat at the idea, and he bites his lip before it turns into a roguish grin. "Ye sure ye wouldn't rather just stay home and dance here?"

"Noh, I'm not sure." Truly groans. "But we're going, anyway. Cause if we don't, we'll have a bloody leprechaun breakin' down our door and draggin' us ta t'e dance."

At the idea, a look of annoyance crosses Kade's face. "The man has his own date ta worry about. He should worry about pleasin' yer unicorn omma and if they got any more on the way." He grins, knowing Killian has no idea how unicorns bred still, and, like the rest of his frat, he's intentionally taunting the man on several possibilities.

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