The Return of the Dead Queen |Chapter Thirty-Seven|

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Once ashore, Truly gets a stretcher and a blanket from the medical unit so that Brody and Kade can carry Amph's remains to his boat

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Once ashore, Truly gets a stretcher and a blanket from the medical unit so that Brody and Kade can carry Amph's remains to his boat. Not eager to stick around any longer than they need to, they head to the Devil's Key's at full speed the moment she's abroad. Since they're leaving, her people won't bother them, and flying the Brovern pirate flag prevents the Navy from even considering stopping his boat as they enter the restricted area of the Devil's Keys three hours later.

As he cuts the engines off the Kraken's Keep, Kade's eyes shift to Truly as she sits beside Amph, keeping vigil. "I know ye prefer to wear this ta keep ye safe." Removing his Kraken's Tear, he places it around her neck. "She's too heavy for ye to lift down to me. So I'll hand her to ye after you're changed and then join you." His eyes shift over the railing of the boat towards the island, where the waves crash against the shore. "I'll take her after I'm in. The opening should be low enough since it's high tide."

"Low enough for what, omen?" Truly's lip curls up. "Ta hold our breaths?"

He cuts her a briefly unamused look for taunting him about that line of thinking when it was only a few days ago that seriously could have been a problem for him. "The current will throw ya on a day like this. I'd rather not have her ripped out of me arms so I'll be staying as low as I can."

"Then I'd rather ye wear ye bloody necklace." Truly goes to slip it up over her head.

"I have my ring, omen." He flashes it to her. "It's made of the heart as well. I don't need the added protection and it makes ye feel safer. Wear it."

With a reluctant sigh, she lets the necklace drop back against her chest. She timidly eyes the water as she removes her shorts and tosses them up on the boat. I feckin' hate t'is place. She has to psych herself up, going against all her natural instincts, before she jumps in. Truly clings to the edge of the boat the best she can as she changes and bites her lip during the worst part of it. She doesn't want to draw the attention of predators to herself while she's out here in the open. When she's done, she surfaces and holds out her arms to take Amphitrite.

After scanning the water one last time since he'd been watching while she changed with his spear gun in hand, just in case she attracted something, Kade places the weapon near the edge for her to use if needed. Heading back into where she's laid out, he picks up Amphitrite and gently lowers her down to Truly. "Are ye good?"

"Aye." Truly clings to the back of the boat with one hand and holds the woman's lifeless body in the other. "Jist hurry, she's heavy."

Kade strips off his shirt and shorts off before he dives in over her head. Moments later, he joins her at the ladder and angles himself away so he can't dislodge either of them as he changes. When he's finally in his siren form, Kade takes a few deep breaths and pushes away from the boat. "I'll take her now, omen." Extending his hands, he carefully maneuvers closer to make it easier for her to hand Amphitrite off.

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