Chlorine Naiad |Chapter Twenty-Two|

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A week later, after Truly's last class, she heads to the Psi house to wait for Kade to finish up

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A week later, after Truly's last class, she heads to the Psi house to wait for Kade to finish up. He kept his room at the frat house, which makes for a great spot for both of them to hang out and socialize while waiting for the other to finish with work or school.

As she walks up the stairs with Coco clinging to her shirt, Truly's phone chimes in a text message from her mother.

As she walks up the stairs with Coco clinging to her shirt, Truly's phone chimes in a text message from her mother

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Truly heads down the quiet hall to Kade's old room. Thankfully, the room is empty, and the house isn't too active either. Once she crawls up Kade's bed, she leans back against his headboard and calls her mom.

Coco bounds off Truly and races around the bed just as her mom picks up.

"Hello, me pearl. How was school?" Her mom sings through the line in their native language. It's comforting to hear and even more comforting to reply in.

"Mum," Truly sighs as she watches Coco climb down the bedding and debate if she wants to jump to the floor or not. "Ye didn't call ta ask me how school was."

As soon as Truly's hushed singing voice starts, Coco's big black eyes turn up at her in wonder.

"Aye, I didn't. I was calling ta see if ye had plans for the Winta Solstice yet. Did Kade's mum ask ye ta do somet'ing with her?"

"Noh, it's still months away, mum, why would she?" Truly frowns and pulls her backpack toward her.

"Excellent!" Nora's voice chimes across the phone. "T'en you two will come here."

Truly rolls her eyes as she pulls a tub of mangos from her backpack and opens them up. Instantly, Coco darts toward her and perches on Truly's arm so she can enjoy her snack. "Ye can't ask t'is early, mum."

There is a brief pause before Nora asks, "Why not?"

"I don't know!" Truly shrugs. "I haven't asked Kade if we're doin' anyt'ing for it. T'at's te whole point t'ough, isn't it? Ye called t'is early to get yer request in first."

"Well, t'at's neither here nor t'ere. If ye don't have plans t'en I don't see why ye can'nt come join yer entire family for the winta equinox."

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