Meeting Omma |Chapter Twenty|

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The next morning Truly glances over at Kade, asleep naked on the private beach

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The next morning Truly glances over at Kade, asleep naked on the private beach. She needs to sneak off and make sure the coastal beach is clear before she swims him out. There's no way that he'll let her swim out on her own without him following her, and she doesn't want to risk drowning him over being stubborn.

Leaving her bathing suit behind, Truly quietly walks into the soft waves of the pool and dips beneath the water when she reaches the deep part. It won't take nearly as long to swim out of the cave without having to slow down for Kade, though he does shockingly well.

After her being gone for only about ten minutes, Kade opens his eyes, unable to ignore the sun any longer, and sits up, his eyes automatically scanning the beach for Truly. When he doesn't find her, a frown crosses his face as he stands. "Treasure?" A sense of unease fills him when she doesn't appear or reply. Where the hell did ye go, Treasure? There isn't any place for her to hide, but he checks the cave anyway, disturbing the bats within. She wouldn't have. A sense of urgency fills him as he runs to the water's edge and scans the clear blue water. At the mouth of the entrance, he can see the disruption of the algae in the water.

No, no, no! Not my Treasure! Ye can't have her. His stomach drops as he dashes into the water and dives in once he hits his waist. When he reaches the far end of the cove, he surfaces, taking in a deep breath before he plunges towards the cave's entrance, where he instinctively knows he'll find his heart. When he reaches the mouth of the cave, he finds Truly thrashing in the water as she struggles to get to the surface.

Fuelled by adrenaline, Kade propels himself to her side and slides an arm around her waist, pulling her into him. Lowering his mouth to hers, he gives her his air, only to switch his grip on her and pivot in the water. With long, powerful strokes, he propels them to the surface and pulls her to shore. "Truly, Truly!" He taps her cheek, aware she thankfully didn't swallow water by her behavior. Her pain concerns him. She could've collided with the cave wall when she started thrashing or unintentionally clipped an animal she shouldn't have. Please don't have kicked a bloody Lionfish, Treasure. Kade shifts his weight and runs his eyes over her body, looking for injuries that could've been caused by the cave itself or the marine life he knows lies in the area.

"I'm fine, Kade." Truly groans as she runs her hands up and down her legs.

"What in the nine hells were you thinking!?" Kade snaps, his fear-filled adrenaline still coursing through him. "You would have died if I hadn't woken up and saw you when I did!"

"I went ta check ta beach." Truly slowly sits up. "It's clear, so we betta make a go of it now."

"Make a go of it?" A look of disbelief crosses his face as he sits back. "I just nearly lost you! There's no way in hell I'm letting you turn around and try to do it again."

"Ye didn't almost lose me. I was fine, and I can make it again." Truly reaches over and grabs her swimming suit. "Ta swim won't kill me." She glances up at him. Her heart swells, realizing he's worried about her. Though she wasn't in danger, she still finds his concern endearing.

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