Beer Pong Champ |Chapter Ten|

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Heavy music reverberates up from the basement, where a dozen of his brothers and a few girls gather

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Heavy music reverberates up from the basement, where a dozen of his brothers and a few girls gather. One officer finally caved and cracked open the bar after two days of only movies and the odd entertainment to keep them all occupied. Since then, people have been alternating between drinking, dancing, the mini arcade, beer pong, and funnier activities upstairs for those who could.

Emerging from Kade's room after having disappeared after lunch with a fresh round of hickies on both their necks, Kade and Truly head downstairs to the basement, where they know most of the entertainment is. As they walk with their fingers interlaced together through the house, many throw glances, and a few even nudge each other and point.

Since the first morning when he'd locked down the row, a rumor's been spreading its way around the Psi house like wildfire. Supposedly some new girl managed the unthinkable and got herself betrothed to Kade Brovern, of all people. The idea is so wild most have started taking bets on whether it's true or if she's just his new flavor of the week. Their frequent disappearances into his room, where they come out looking freshly fucked, only fuels the flames. So does the fact Killian says he was there and saw it, while his roommate Hayden calls bullshit and says he didn't come home until after the storm had kicked in.

When they hit the basement level, Kade's eyes scan the room, noting who's down and doing what.

At the beer pong table, Killian turns with a big grin on his face. "Sparkles! Come join us!" He beckons for her to come over to where he's playing against his roommate Hayden and a handsome slender-faced man with his dreads tied back who's dressed in just a pair of jeans.

A brief thought of ignoring Killian passes through Truly's mind, but she quickly thinks better of it, knowing the man will only become louder and more obnoxious if she does. She's witnessed it firsthand by seeing Heather make that mistake. Reluctantly, Truly heads over to him. "Ye playing a game?" She eyes the cups of beer sitting on the table.

"My poor, sweet, innocent Sparkles." Killian touches the side of her face, the hint of beer instantly greeting her. "It's swill pong."

"Beera," the man across from him corrects with a Wintershall accent, though his is less distinct than the one who came to get Kade for the generator. That tells her he's from the lower side of the island, where the other islands influence it more. "No, let di Irish man fool yuh."

"Aye?" She knows exactly what the game is. She's been playing it with her Uncle Angus since she was three. Grant it, they used juice then. "A game where ye t'row a ball into a cup of beer?"

Coming up behind her, Kade presses into her back as his hand slides around her waist. "Yeah. If someone gets it in one of your cups, ya drink its contents." Kade's breath tickles her ear. "If you miss, you get one chance to redeem yourself or you lose."

A shiver runs through her. "T'at doesn't sound too hard." Truly leans back into him, enjoying the feeling of his arm wrapped around her.

"You haven't played against Sanka yet." He dips his head to the African Atlantean across from her.

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