Who She Truly Is |Chapter Fourteen|

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It's been a long haul cleaning up the island, but the volunteers did everything they could and got all the man-made garbage off the shore

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It's been a long haul cleaning up the island, but the volunteers did everything they could and got all the man-made garbage off the shore. Everyone's exhausted but able to go home with elevated gratification and self-worth.

When Kade is ready to depart the ship, he takes Truly's hand, and they both walk down the gangplank together. A smile spreads across her face as she leans into him. The last week and a half has been utterly magical for her. Trusting in the fates has paid off, and she feels as if she's living a dream. One that comes to an abrupt end when they hit the dock together, and she catches sight of Finn waiting for her. For a moment, he smiles at her until he realizes who's she's standing next to and that they're holding hands.

A stern and concerned look passes over his face as he shoves his hands into his pockets. Tru can tell that he's balling up his fists, something Finn often does when he's trying to calm himself and be rational.

'Get yer arse over here.' He mouths to her.

Truly stiffens, and her grip on Kade's hand tightens, knowing shit is about to hit the fan.

As her grip tightens, Kade's eyes turn to her, and his lips thin. His expression hardens when he realizes she's afraid of something or someone. Kade drops his seabag as his free hand instinctively goes to rest on the hilt of his cutlass, and his attention snaps out to find whomever it is that's scaring his treasure.

At the sight of Finn Davelvon cutting swiftly through the throng of people with determined strides toward them, Kade's stance widens, and his fingers flex upon his hilt. When Finn's nearly upon them, Kade shifts, stepping directly in front of Truly. "What exactly is your business with me wife, Davelvon?"

Finn stops, taken a little back as he looks at Kade in disbelief before his gaze flicks to Truly. "Oh, Tru, tell me ye didn't." Finn's attention drops to the simple pearl necklace Kade wears mixed with the rest around his neck, knowing it's one of theirs. "What have ye done, Pearl? Dah is gonna kill me."

What in seven hells is he talking about? Kade's eyes narrow.

Truly steps out from behind Kade with a guilty look plastered on her face. "Finn, please, let me tell mum and daddy. Don't go runnin' off and spoutin' it before I get ta chance ta tell 'em meself."

Mum and dad? As her words mingle with disbelief, Kade's fingers turn lack in her grip and slip away as he takes a step back. "You're a Davelvon?" His eyes flick to her.

Unease washes over Truly, knowing this is a moment of truth. He'll either run or stay. Her attention turns to Kade. "Aye," Truly's voice is soft and meek with fear that he, of all people, will reject her just for her name.

"Feck me sideways, Tru." Finn runs his hands through his dark, wavy hair. "Ye didn't even tell him yer last name?"

Her heart drops into her churning stomach. "It never came up."

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