Nan, A Force To Be Reckoned With |Chapter Thirty|

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Truly runs her fingers through her hair as she leaves the bedroom and dips into the light wood floor bathroom to get ready

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Truly runs her fingers through her hair as she leaves the bedroom and dips into the light wood floor bathroom to get ready. The tiny room only has enough room for a tiny shower, just big enough to turn around in, a toilet, and a pedestal sink with a medicine cabinet hanging over it. Truly opens the cabinet up and pulls out a hairband so that she can throw her hair up into a bun. Her mind drifts to thinking about the last three weeks without him and how the winter solstice was ruined. Truly suddenly stills. "Kade!" She turns and runs to the door of her bedroom. "Where is ye mum?!"

As he pulls on his boots, Kade stills. "In my house in Libertalia, ta my knowledge. I can't say for sure though, Aba took me phone first thing."

"Will she be alright t'ere?" A look of concern passes over Truly's face. "T'ey won't hurt her?"

"Not if they want ta live." A dark look crosses Kade's face. "Besides the fact Mama sees me Omma as a sister, she knows we'd rain hell down on her, even Draken. My father was livid enough he'd throw her on Calypso's Cruelty himself and cast her off if she so much as stepped foot into Brovern. He'd take touching his wife as a personal slight against him, even if he has no love for her. Same with Draken. It's all about honor for them. Nothing matters but that and the Brovern name." His eyes scan the table first out of habit before he remembers he threw his phone along with everything else onto the chair. "I can call her, so long ye have service." I'll have to explain that I can't do Christmas now. She was really looking forward to it this year too. A slight grimace crosses his face as a bit of regret fills him. Mama had told her the plans with Truly's family were canceled without his consent, so she'd hoped for a small thing with just the family but now. It's best just not to say anything. I don't want Treasure feeling somehow to blame. "She was expecting a call when things settled down."

Truly's shoulder slack in relief. "If ye want ta call her, ye'll have ta use me landline. We have little use for cellphone on ta island." She steps into the bedroom and goes to her dresser. As she pulls out a soft knit skirt and a tank top, she asks, "What are ye gonna tell her if she asks where ye are t'ough?"

"I'm not sure. Your dad said he sent you to the motherland. I'd rather not have to explain why I'm in Ireland and how I managed to leave the islands. I'm not foolish enough ta lie because she may very well be at our house waiting."

"Could ye tell her t'at yer on Emerald Isle?"

"I could, but she might want to come then. It's better if I talk to the Lieutenant Governor first."

"We need ta decide for ourselves what we want ta do next, too. And how we are goin' ta get ye back ta school while stayin' tagetha." Truly gnaws on her lip. "I guess I could jist go back with ye." It might be risky, but if it means being with him, then it will be worth it.

A look of unease crosses Kade's face. "I didn't even take me end of term tests. Hopefully, someone thought to tell the school what was actually going on."

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