Half-Way Mer-k |Chapter Thirty-Three|

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Mid-morning the next day, after cruelly trapping Coco within the house alone and daring to go to the beach without her, for which they will severely pay for when she gets her tiny paws on them, Kade and Truly head to the beach with the dogs

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Mid-morning the next day, after cruelly trapping Coco within the house alone and daring to go to the beach without her, for which they will severely pay for when she gets her tiny paws on them, Kade and Truly head to the beach with the dogs. Hiking the mile to the quiet cove, Kade places their towels as Truly puts her medkit down on the small hut's deck.

"Before we do t'is, I want ta go over a couple of t'ings." Truly digs through her medkit and pulls out a small waterproof flashlight and the syringe. "Ta most important bein' ye gills. If ye start feelin' like ye lungs or ye back is on fire, it's cause ye gills have formed and t'ere dry. Yer going ta want water in t'em fast, or it'll damage t'em and ye won't be able ta breath right for ta rest of ye life. Now, ta switch from ye lungs ta gills, ta first few times it'll help ta stretch ye neck and bob ye Adam's apple. Ye'll feel ta flap in yer t'roat flip, and t'en I want ye ta take a deep breath, like ye would air and pull water into ye gills."

Truly stuffs the flashlight and syringe in the pocket of the board shorts that she's borrowed from Kade. "If ye don't t'ink ye can do it, t'en I'll jist flush t'em, but I need ta know now what ye want ta do. We want ta water in t'em in ye gills fast."

Kade's nose scrunches at the idea, hating when doctors try to swab the back of his mouth or nose.

Truly raises a brow. "I take it ye hate t'at idea."

"I don't like the tests when they swab the back of yer bloody throat. It always makes me gag something fierce."

"T'en ye want ta try it on ye own?"


She nods and nervously rubs her hands together. "Alright. Well, t'at's ta most important part. Now for ye tail, when ye get in ta water, ye'll feel a pressure against ye legs and ye'll want to push back against it. With ye trunks on ye won't be able to, but we'll know it's workin' and ta strip ye."

"What do you mean by pressure?" His brows lightly furrow as he goes to take a sip of water from his hiking bottle. "Like a charlie horse and only in one spot or all over?"

"Noh, like if I were ta pin ye legs down by layin' on t'em and huggin' t'em real tight. Ta charlie horse feelin' will start when ye start changin'." Truly nervously gnaws on her lip. "T'ere' are pain reliever potions I can make, but t'eres a reason we don't use t'em. Half ta people have bad reaction ta t'em while changin', and t'ey don't help t'at much, anyway."

Kade shakes his head as he secures the top of his water bottle. "I'll be fine without it. I've taken enough cuts and beatings from rugby and mock sword fights. I know how ta take a beating."

"I want ye ta try to mentally prepare for t'is, Kade." Truly grows serious. "Ta pain's bad. Te change from legs ta tail isn't as abrasive, but tail ta legs is goin' ta be ta worst pain ye have ever felt in ye entire life. I can't even compare it to anyt'ing, omen."

So it's the last thing I'll be wanting you ta see me do, roger that. Unfortunately, he can't tell her that. She'd never listen to him, and he wouldn't know where to even begin if he makes it that far. Moving to her, Kade runs a hand up and down her arm, knowing she's getting uneasy. "Let's worry about one thing at a time. I don't need ta mentally prep for that if I can't even breathe underwater."

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