Silent Isolation |Chapter Thirty-Two|

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After a five-hour boat ride from Barkholm Chain and pirating supplies and fuel off the Atlantean patrol ship, who stopped them, they barely make through Hangman's Cay's secret entrance before the tide renders the pass inaccessible even for Kade

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After a five-hour boat ride from Barkholm Chain and pirating supplies and fuel off the Atlantean patrol ship, who stopped them, they barely make through Hangman's Cay's secret entrance before the tide renders the pass inaccessible even for Kade. After he anchors the boat and gets everyone and their gear across, Kade secures the extra gas containers in one of the huts before he shoulders the seabag with their supplies. Picking up the final canister of gas he'll use for the generator, he turns towards Truly, running his gaze over her as she shoulders her own bag and lifts Coco's cage.


"Aye." Truly nods as her gaze drifts over the scenery. The tropical foliage and beach looks better compared to the last time she arrived on this island. In her cage, Coco angrily chatters about the injustice of her incarceration. It isn't her fault she pirated the boat from her daddy. It's in her blood. She had gotten them safely into Hangman's Cay, never mind the fact that Kade was the one that steered the boat in while Coco clung to a knob on the helm, in her mind, she did it all.

Behind them, Navi stands in the surf barking to Petals, trying to coax the woman in for a swim but making no progress.

Truly's gaze drifts to the two noisy animals she hand-raised herself and to Petals, who is quietly standing at Kade's side, behaving perfectly. A small sigh escapes her lips. Navi can behave and become stoic, but usually, when others are around him, he doesn't trust and feels there may be a threat. As far as Coco goes, the monkey is a brat and an utterly lost cause at this point.

"I'm so glad I asked to bring them. This will be so peaceful." The sarcasm hangs heavy on Truly's lips. Truly gives a stern, "Heel," order to Navi with a quick look over her shoulder. The caramel brown Doberman loses his mirth, becoming serious and prance out of the water, thinking it's time to work.

As Truly follows Kade, she enjoys the sounds of the surrounding forest, but in her true fashion, she can't seem to keep quiet for long. "Is the path to your house overgrown or hidden so that others can't find it?" Her nose wrinkles in thought. "And if no one's allowed to come to this island, why do you have so many huts?"

"It's both, and the ones around the lagoon were built originally by the crew of the Black Raven, back when the seas were lower. This was their preferred hidden cove. They found it more defensible, and it allowed them to strike incoming threats quicker. I built the treehouse and a few huts by the shores, but the others were by members of me family over the generations. The other islands I've been to are much the same. Drake spread his fleet out among the islands so as not to be caught unawares."

After an hour of walking, Kade leaves them off the path they're on, to one that she'd have never noticed. After a bit, the sound of fast-moving water pelting against rocks fills the air. "We're close now. Yer hearing the waterfall."

Knowing where she's going, Petals darts off ahead, earning a pleading look from Navi as he silently begs not to be left behind.

"Go on with ye," she nods up the path, releasing him. Navi happily takes off after Petals.

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