Ansh Sapra yantra

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Mid Satya Yug

Kakudmi ,King of  kusasthali was in deep in thinking, as he wanted to find the most eligible bachelor for his only daughter Revati.
He cherished her very much and used to think that, his daughter, who was endowed with all the auspicious qualities ,must marry a person with similar qualities.
So, he decided to take his daughter with him to Brahma- lok to seek advice from lord Brahma himself in this matter.

When they arrived lord Brahma was listening to a musical performance by Gandharvas, so they waited until the performance was finished. Then, kakudmi bowed humbly and made his request and presented the list of shortlisted candidates for his future son- in-law.Brahma laughed loudly and explained that the time runs differently on different plains and while, they waited 27 Chatur yugas had passed on Earth.All the people on the list are dead.

Kakudmi was very alarmed upon hearing this news but bhrama comforted him by saying that Vishnu, the preserver, was currently incarnated on Earth as shri Krishna and His elder brother Balram was a worthy husband for his daughter Revati .
On hearing this kakudmi was relieved ,and asked Brahma permission to go to Earth to meet Balram, but Brahma Dev stopped him and told him, that , he and his daughter belong to Satya Yug and right now , it is Dwapar Yug on Earth....if they go to Earth, it would equivalent to time travel , and as no human can time travel naturally, They simply cannot travel to Earth.

Kakudmi was again distressed and asked Brahma Dev that, will he not be able to fulfill his duties as a father ? , And what was his daughter's fault in all of this?!!
Brahma Dev then thought of a solution ,and took kakudmi and Revati  to Kailash, to ask lord shiva ,the trikal darshi  for help.
At Kailash parvat

Lord shiva and Parvati greeted Brahma Dev and asked for the purpose of his visit. Brahma replied by explaining King kakudmi and his daughter revati's situation. At first Shivji was not willing to help them time travel as it is not according to the laws of nature but on Parvati ji's insistence, he agreed.
Using his yogic powers he created
The Ansh Sapra yantra

(This could be used to time travel by twisting in the middle and rotating it , this will open a portal to another time or place)But it was very risky to use only this yantra for time travel because, if it gets into the hands of  a wrong person, th...

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(This could be used to time travel by twisting in the middle and rotating it , this will open a portal to another time or place)
But it was very risky to use only this yantra for time travel because, if it gets into the hands of  a wrong person, they can use it for destructive purposes, so to inhibit wrong use of this yantra ,Shiv ji provided certain rules for it's usage and also gave a Mantra  to be recited, while rotating the  Ansh Sapra yantra.


Samay chakra  Ko bhed do,
Le chalo mujhe wahan,
Mera Mann hai jahan,
Ho sake to kar do sahi ,
Jo vidhi ne galat Kiya,
Na dosh ho na paap ho,
Har taraf Surya ka prikash (happiness) ho.

This mantra was written on a scroll and kept inside an amulet for safety purpose.

This mantra was written on a scroll and kept inside an amulet for safety purpose

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(Something like this)
Rules for using the yantra-

Only at the time of partial lunar eclipse, it can be used.

It will take you to that person or place ,about, whom ,your subconscious mind is thinking.

Both the mantra and yantra must be used simultaneously.

No one can carry it with themselves it will be left behind after use.

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