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She was injured ....their was a gash on her forehead and her right arm seems to be broken and she was passing through a forest as sun has started to rise....it seemed she was searching for someone. Suddenly ,she saw someone standing in front of her wearing dhoti and angvastra of white cotton  worshipping the sun god, she tried to call for this person but he seems far far away from her .

Shakti woke up startled and it took her a minute to realise that she was in her Gurukul in her bed and not in any forest ..injured . It was only a dream but why does it felt so real....like this has happened or going to happen to her.

She looked outside, the moon was shining brightly and her mind started thinking about upcoming events...she put a stop on her thoughts and decided to try to sleep again, as tomorrow is going to a long day and longer night.

Day of lunar Eclipse

It was an usual morning for both Jay and Shakti ,no one could tell that today their lives are going to change forever.

As usual , they attended morning prayers and their classes.
Did their duties and spent time with other students of Gurukul.
In the evening , they met their Guruji in one of the meditation halls,which had a secret passage that led to the cave where time traveling instrument was kept.

Both of them were wearing their fighting attire which was dark blue in colour to blend easily with the dark environment (night).

Both of them were wearing their fighting attire which was dark blue in colour to blend easily with the dark environment (night)

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(Something like this)


Asht has prepared his men ,as per the information given by Rakesh .
He knew that lunar eclipse is going to happen at mid night and this is his only chance in a while to get his hands on the instrument and he was not going to make any mistakes , for he was scared of the wrath of that person and his hunger for revenge.
Making sure everything thing was ready , they set out towards the cave.

A short chapter
The stage is set 🙂

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