Filler ten

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Southern Panchal
Maharaj Drupad was performing a yagna because he wanted a son ,who will kill Dronacharya and avenge his disrespect done by his former friend.
A men emerged from the yagna his name was Dhrishtadyumna ,on the birth of his son Draupad became very happy and started to leave the yagna but the priest told him to stop and sacrifice something more to the yagna as a daughter would be born soon.
But Draupad did not wanted a daughter ,so he refuses,but later when the priest insisted,he wished for the daughter who is going to be born should have a life filled with pain and also that she must be the most beautiful women in whole aryavrata and like that Yagyaseni or Draupadi was born.
Initially Draupad did not loved his daughter but after Krishna intervention ,he started to love and cherish her .
During this time ,krishna also became friends with Draupadi and called her krishnaa.
Draupadi would call him Sakha.
After sometime Krishna suggested that it was the right time to arrange swyamvar for Draupadi ,so a Swayvar was going to be arranged in kampilya in few days. Draupad was impressed by the bravery of Arjun during the Panchal war and wanted him as son in law ,but he thought pandavas had already died ,so he asked Madhav that who would be the right candidate for his daughter's marriage.
Krishna smiled mystically, as Draupad had no idea that in reality it was karna by whom advice ,Arjun was able to capture him.
Rather Krishna told Draupad not to worry as his daughter would get what she wanted.
Draupadi heard the name of Arjun from her father's mouth and asked Govind about Arjun's description and Krishna hinting that he is still alive ,Draupadi started to imagine Arjun as her husband.

Krishna knew he was deliberately pushing Draupadi into liking the image of Arjun but he could not do anything as it was Mahadev's boon and destiny,which Draupadi asked for herself in her previous incarnation.
He knows that it was also the time of the equations changing between karna and Pandavas,and start of new dharmayudha which would not be fought on battlefield but inside hearts , especially the one heart ,which would suffer most for the good of his brothers and whole aryavrata.

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