Filler eight

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Karna was fast on his feets ,he would dodged any attacks by the asur. he used his speed against the huge frame of mundaasur,who was getting agitated and irritated by the moment.
Karna even let the asur to hit him sometimes and once even let himself be thrown across the fighting ground,the subordinates of asur cheered,karna was doing all this, just to let Shakti escape safely with the citizens,to buy them enough time .
It was also keeping the other asur's engaged ,thus not letting them leave to check on prisoners.
Finally ,after sometime he decided to fight for real,
He somersaulted and landed a strong kick on mundaasur's chest ,the asur was pushed backwards,it not only angered the asur more and surprised his subordinates.
Mundaasur charged towards karna with full speed and found himself in a chockhold.karna threw him in the ground and started to punch without stopping,the asur tried to stand up but karna perched himself on his shoulder and started to expirate his head from his body.
The other asur's seeing their boss about to die ,started to attack but Shakti arrived at that time and started slaying asurs with her magical knife,karna smiled ,he knew she will come back for him.
He immediately finished off mundaasur and joined Shakti in fighting other asur.
All asurs were dead in no time.
After that they decided to check out the hiding place to see if anyone was left behind by chance.
They did not found any person by they did found a large cave filled with treasure, the asurs must have collected by robbing the kingdom.
They decided to give it back to the queen and be on their way.
They have done what was their duty here.
After that they cleaned themselves up in the nearby river and went towards the palace.
As soon as they arrived inside the city everyone started to clap for them and welcome them,some elders came and said thanks ,while the children even tried to touch their feets, to which karna and Shakti said no in awkwerdness.
They were astonished by the power of these brave warriors ,they could not believe what so many kings and warriors could not do ,these to simple looking person did and saved them.
They have saved not only their lives but their kingdom from perishing.
The queen was most thankful as they had her helped to do her duty and also keep the dignity of the royal family and her late husband and son.
She welcomed them with a victory tilak and took them to the royal court ,where she announced to everyone that she is going to take up celibacy and reside in forest from now on and karna would be their new king.
Everyone though sad, due to loosing their queen but happy to get such a brave king.
Everyone cheered .
Karna and Shakti were uncomfortable to say the least.

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