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Shakti was having the best days of her life , she had a family now , a loving mother, a caring father and the best brother. She was pampered alot for the past week, she has been in Hastinapur and being injured ,made her family extra caring. She was not allowed to do anything and her every wish was fulfilled, not that she made any.
She would spent her mornings with Radhama talking to her,while she worked in kitchen and in the evening, she would stay with her adhirath baba and listen to his poems ,he was an awesome poet and Shakti felt very proud of her father. Her dada was always there for here ,they would talk about any and every thing that came to their mind ,would go wandering market together,and he would tease her and buy her food, watch starts at night, play silly games together. She realised that her dada was a really kind person,he would help each and every person that needed help,their neighbours were very fond of Adhiratha's son and even though, he behaves mature most of the times ,he could be funny and adorable too, especially infront of family. She liked seeing this carefree and happy side of him.
He had his fair share of struggles but  it seems like he does not let them bother himself and continued to strive to became a better version of himself day by day.she also came to realise that how reading about someone or something is so different than actually meeting them and understanding their struggles, point of view and circumstances.


Shakti was going to the market to give karna his lunch ,he has recently started the work of repairing chariots and even got a small shop on rent. Somedays he was not able to come home for lunch because of some urgent repairing work ,and today was one of such days ,so she asked radha ma to let her go and deliver the lunch herself.
She was half way to the shop, when she heard banging of Dhol and people gathered around some royal officials.
"As the kuru princes has completed their education and are returning to Hastinapur tomorrow, all are invited to see their valor and might.  Come and see how enabled and brave warrior ,they have become and how the future of Hastinapur is in going to be happy and prosperous.come and watch kuru princes kalapradarshan tomorrow, many more royal will also be attending and all the citizens of Hastinapur are invited."

Shakti became tensed after hearing this.
So the day has come, I need to do something ,I need to stop dada from becoming friend of duryodhana tomorrow and enemy of Arjuna, but what am I going to do? shakti thought but was brought out of her thought process when some one touched her shoulder.
It was her dada.

"You don't have to bring lunch for me everyday choti ,I was just coming home only.come let's go back to the shop."
"I don't mind ,dada.plus it is way passed lunch time and I don't want my dada to go without eating this long and get sick."

They went back to the shop and karna started to eat ,when Shakti asked .

"Dada ,did you heard the announcement earlier?"

"About kalapradarshan....yes I did.would you like to go?"

"No ...not really ,I mean I am not interested in watching some pampered princes show off whatever tricks they learned, while having each and every resources and opportunities at their disposal."

Karna laughed hearing what Shakti said.....I mean she is right ,they get every opportunity and resources ,while many others who wants to learn, don't and if somehow they did learn any Kala,they are not allowed to use it or even mocked for it,but saying it aloud without any fear ,only my Shakti  can do this.karna
"Why are you laughing dada ,do you want to go to kalapradarshan?"
"No, not really ,my thoughts are similar to yours on this matter plus this kalapradarshan is just a political move of the royal family  and  Guru Dronacharya to show other royals, their power...and boast about their poweress."

"And Kauravas and pandavas will compete against each other to proof ,who is better?"

"Yes, they will and it will either be utterly funny,disastrous or utterly boring, karna said"

Shakti was about to say something at this point but another customer came who urgently needed the wheel of his chariot fixed as he was going to the next village,so karna got to work and Shakti returned home,without asking karna not to go the kalapradarshan.

In the evening when adhirath came home ,he was very excited about kalapradarshan and asked all the family members to attend ,he will already be at the podium as he would have to take Bhishma there and wanted all to come and meet him and they will have a kind of family outing.
Shakti and karna both wanted to say no,but seeing Radhama excited karna could not say no and Shakti had none reason she could give ,if she said no.so she just stayed silent and decided to think of something to stop the disastrous event from happening.


Next day at kalapradarshan

It was a huge podium filled with spectators of each and every section of the society.one by one the princes started to arrive with great pomp and show.some arrived on elephant,some were flying in with the help of eagle,some came showing perfection in using a weapon

Ashwatthama announced the first fight to happen between Duryodhana and Nakul. Duryodhana won this fight ,next came sahadev ,he too was defeated by Duryodhana. Now it was yudhisthira's turn but he got angry when Duryodhana said wrong things about his mother and started to leave the competition ,seeing opportunity Duryodhana defeated him too ,next came Bheem but he was disqualified because he drew blood out of duryodhana ,which was against rules.
Finally it was Duryodhana turn to take on Arjun.
Arjun entered with   concrete elephant head of the entry gate falling on him,but he was safe and defeated Duryodhana by freezing him in ice .
The competition came to an end with Dronacharya announcing Arjun as the greatest archer in the world and none of the kaurvas other than Duryodhana taking part in kalapradarshan.
One would wonder was this really a kalapradarshan of all the kuru princes or only a competition between kaurvas and pandavas.
While the enemity between cousins was displayed to the world ,the elders of the same family were more interested in taking sides and  praising their favourites ,in place of trying to mend the relationship of cousin ,what would happen to this family ?

Adhirath was searching with his eyes everywhere for his family but they were nowhere to be seen ,has they not arrived ,did something happened at home? Why did they not came to Kalapradarshan?
He was worried and wanted to go home to find out what happened.

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