filler five

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Shakti ran towards that evil Jayadrath and was about to slit his throat with her magical knife ,no one could stop her,she was really fast  and everyone was from a distance from her ,when a voice stopped her,this was the only voice, which could control her anger.

"Shakti....No,"karna screamed and moved his head in negative.
he understood what had happened here and was feeling murderous himself ,but he could not let Shakti commit murder and be punished , because even she is not at fault here ,she would be punished for killing king of other kingdom and due to political reasons.
As soon as, he entered the corridor ,the scene in front of him was grave, Shakti was about to slit Jayadrath's throat and everyone was urging her to stop but it seemed that no one's voice could reach her.karna knew that he had to stop her and only he could stop her,so he shouted her name.
Shakti stopped ,her knife still at Jayadrath's throat,who looked scared. She stood up looking at her dada. Karna moved towards her and put his hand on her head ,looked into her eyes and asked ,
"Are you alright,choti?"

Looking into her brothers eyes calmed her down a bit and she felt protected,she nodded.

At this time Jayadrath spoke again,

"This dasi made advances towards me first....."

Karna face gone blank hearing this but the rage in his eyes was like it could burn anyone ,for the first time the people present got an idea about how dangerous karna could be.
The were all scared for a moment.

He calmly asked Shakti ,
"May I have that" pointing towards the knife in shakti's hand.

She handed the knife to karna.

In few seconds ,karna was hovering over Jayadrath,his knee on that evil persons chest and knife plunged towards his eye but stopped just before piercing the iris.
Jayadrath screamed.

karna's struggle: fulfilling the destinyWhere stories live. Discover now