filler two

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Mahendra Giri parvat

Since the day Shakti has vanished , Jay has been living in hell, he gave up food and sleep and searched each and every history book for the mention of Shakti.
He thought if Shakti has time travelled .....may be ,she went in the past and he might be able to find her name in any of the ancient text, ofcourse all of this was just a theory and he needed proof.
One day he was reading some stories about lord Parshuramji ,many books related to Parshuramji were stored in their library ,as this is the place where Parshuramji used to live ,some of the stories in these books are not even known to the outside world and only people living inside the ashram know about them.
In one of such book ,he found the name Shakti and her encounter with Parshuramji. He was elated and told guruji about it.
Guruji explained that Shakti must have traveled to Dwapar Yug and may have influenced some events regarding Mahabharata.
So ,he read Mahabharata and stories related to it and he found that indeed many of the events were changed from the original story.
Guruji told him that this must be lord's plan and we should be patient and wait for shakti's return.
After that day ,he was finally able to have some peace,he still worried though and kept checking the texts.

He decided to protect the ashram in Shakti's absence as best as he could and wait for her.afterall she was the most important person for him in the whole world.

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