filler one

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Shakti was having a weird dream ,she was running through a forest towards her ashram in Kalyug and then she reached the library, she saw Jay sitting there searching through texts and ancient books,he seemed determined and curious ,like he was trying to find out about something,may be something about her, he also seemed worried,she wanted to go to him and tell him that she was fine and not to worry but she could not move from her  place,when Gurudev came to him and said ,

" Dont worry Putra, she is fine and you know that ,when the time is right she will come back to us."

"Are you sure guruji that she will be back?"

"Ofcourse, everything happens according to the lord's plan and I am sure her traveling to Dwapar Yug is according to destiny,so don't worry."

"Ji guruji, now I should go and practice ,as it is my duty to protect the yantra from Asht in shakti's absence."

"You practice plenty already ,go and have food and rest.....we are safe for now."

Both left the library and Shakti was woken up from her dream.
It was a dream,but it seemed so real,like a vision,I think it was a vision I had them before, thanks to God that Jay ,guruji and everyone in the ashram are fine.
They are always on my subconscious and I miss Jay alot.
She sighed she will not be able to sleep again ,she was already missing her dada so much and now she will think about Jay also.she went outside and lay down on the cot in angan ,she fell asleep while gazing the stars.
*************************** Guys I have decided to write some short filler like this. Just to let you guys know some more facts about the story.
I hope you guys have no problem with them.
Love you.
Smile alot

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