filler four

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Duryodhana was happy for his friend and was helping in the preparation of coronation,along with his brothers. He was always a loyal friend. He knew the importance of friends in his life as all his family members apart from his brothers were either indifferent towards him or considered him evil , it was only their maternal uncle who showed confidence in him or supported him ,that is why he started to listen to him and relay on him so much. He sometimes imagined what would be like to be loved and appreciated like the Pandavas,this was the reason he become so prideful and defensive towards the things he considered his own.
But he genuinely wanted to become a good king and serve the citizens of his kingdom and he wanted everyone to have equal opportunity and that is why he has started to admire karna and wanted to talk to him,but every time he went near karna ,his pride and ego as a prince stopped him.he mentally cursed himself for being so ackward.

Sakuni only and only wanted one thing in his life that is to destroy kuru dynasty,he wanted to have revenge ,even if it meant for him to destroy the lives of his own nephews.
He was determined to use any means possible ,if him manipulating Duryodhana would fail in any way ,he would not shy away from using Black magic or even taking the help of Asura and monsters, but he would destroy Hastinapur and bhisma.he smiled cunningly showing his rotten tooth.

These are all the fillers for now ,friends.
I am going to focus on the next chapter now.
Good night 🙃☘️❤️

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