lord Parshuram's best shishya

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Duryodhana was ashamed, because he never understood why people were judged on the basis of their caste and creed,he never believed in such nonsense,may be because he himself had to face many discriminations because of his birth on a stormy night, everyone decided he was evil. He wanted to say something in favour of this man , he wanted to say that as this man....karna has saved lives,he should not be punished for raising weapons , atleast not this once....but before he could say anything a voice boomed in the rajya sabha and the ambience of the court instantly changed.

Seeing lord Parshuram standing in front of them and that too with an angry expression , Bhisma and Dronacharya gulped and came down from their seats to touch their Gurudev's feet and welcome him. But Parshuram not even looked in their direction and before they could touch his feets ,he stopped them by raising a hand ,while his eyes were focused on karna.
On looking towards karna his expression changed from anger to loving and compassion. He moved towards his best student,who was like a son to him and with a swift moment of his parshu ,the rope tying karna hands were cut and he was free.he immediately bent down and touched his teacher's feet.lord Parshuram put hand on his head and gave him ashirwad.after that he asked karna to get up ...and the next moment karna was engulfed in a bear hug from his teacher ,which he reciprocated lovingly.everyone in the rajya sabha were amazed looking at the scene playing in front of them.
Some even thought that they have committed a mistake insulting karna and now they will surely be punished by the parshu of lord Parshuram.

Shakti was feeling lucky to have the opportunity to see lord Parshuram in the flesh and adhiratha was surprised and looking with reverence that his son was a disciple of the sixth avatar of lord Vishnu,he could not believe what he saw for a moment

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Shakti was feeling lucky to have the opportunity to see lord Parshuram in the flesh and adhiratha was surprised and looking with reverence that his son was a disciple of the sixth avatar of lord Vishnu,he could not believe what he saw for a moment.
All the kuru princes and members of the royal court stood up and did namaskar towards lord Parshuram, but he was not in the mood of accepting any greetings.

"You all were insulting me and my shishya a moment ago and now you expect me to accept your pranam.how could so many literate and knowledgeable people who think themselves as dharmvan do such heinous crime."Parshuram announced.

"Panipat Gurudev,it is my honour to welcome you in Hastinapur...it is because of our good fortune that you have graced us with your presence,thank you ..... . please also accept our sincere apology because we did not knew that karna was your shishya and insulted you indirectly."said Bhishma folding his hands infront of his teacher. He was trying to save what he could from his teacher's anger.

"So , was it alright to insult karna if he was not my shishya and your guru Bhrata? Should a person be insulted like that even if he has saved many lives."asked Parshuram fiercely.
At the mention of the word Gurubhrata , many eyes popped and esteemed members of the rajya sabha were very surprised, especially Pandavas, sakuni , Duryodhana and Dronacharya.

"But why......why would you accept a suta as your student, Gurudev?"asked Dronacharya ,he was ignorant towards the reality of the situation because of his hatred towards karna.

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