Unexpected Help

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Pandavas were traveling for some days in the wilderness ,they were tired and hungry,Kunti started to feel unwell.sahadeva was missing karna and Shakti ,he was remorseful leaving them behind ,while they left Hastinapur.
They decided to take rest in the middle of the forest and search for some food.
While,they were searching for the food,they were being very loud, especially Bheem,he was getting agitated and irritated because he could not bear with the hunger anymore.

Hearing to this commotion ,some tribes attacked them from the top of trees,as Pandavas had no weapon with them ,they were not able to protect themselves and hurdled themselves around Kunti ,while the tribals surrounded them.one of them was about to pierce sahadev with a spear ,when a booming sound was heard from behind.
"Stop ,don't hurt him." It was Uday.
He was visiting the chief of this tribe for some work.

"Stand back" he said.
"Are you alright?,pri....." Sahadev saw Uday and was relieved looking at a familiar figure.sensing that Uday was about to reveal his identity,he went towards Uday and said,
"Mitr, thank good you are here. Thank you for saving us."
He signalled Uday not to call him prince or reveal his identity.
Uday nodded.
Looking at the scene in front of them Kunti and the rest of the Pandavas were surprised,they had no idea ,who this person was and why he was helping them,when they saw sahadeva calling this person mitr,they felt that there was a part of their youngest brother's life ,they didn't knew about.
Uday told the tribals that sahadeva and his family were friends and trustworthy ,all of them returned to their original positions.

Sahadev let Uday meet his family,telling them he is a friend, pandavas though sceptical ,nodded at him as a friendly gesture.

Both Uday and Sahadev had many questions ,they wanted to ask each other but they both decided to postpone the talk for a later private time.
Uday took them towards the tribal settlement to meet the chief.

A young man was sitting on a chair in the centre of a stage making an arrow.
Pandavas looked towards him and recognised him at once,and they were surprised to say the least but it was Arjun who wanted to move back and run.
Because the person in the chair did not had his right hand thumb,he was Eklavya.

Seeing Uday bringing some unknown persons with him , Eklavya asked who they were ?...Uday went near him and told him asuch as he could for now.
Eklavya nodded and welcomed Pandavas and Kunti to his village and asked them to have rest and food ,also spent some time there untill Kunti was alright.he told them that they would be safe here.

Pandavas declined initially ,how could they take help from him,no it was below their standard,also they could not trust him fully, except for sahadeva...but after seeing Kunti's condition they accepted.
Yudhisthira told Arjun to behave normally with Eklavya without being bothered.
After that ,they were taken to a hut and provided with food ,clothes and medicinal herbs,which sahadev and Nakul used to treat their mother.Eklavya's wife took good care of them. Pandavas later asked sahadeva ,how did he knew Uday,he told them that he met Uday while searching for medicinal herbs in the forest and they became friends,since then.
After sometime all of them went to sleep as they were very tired...but sahadeva was awake as he had many questions ,he needed to be answered,he went outside.


Eklavya and Uday knew that Sahadeva would visit them ,so they were waiting for him outside the hut as soon as he came outside they took him to a private place.

"Prince Sahadeva, why are you guys here ,the news of death of you all has been the topic of discussion in whole Hastinapur for past few days ,many people are devastated loosing their princes who were gift from gods? " Uday asked .

So , Sahadeva told them that how they were sent a message in the form of puzzles by their uncle Vidur ,which helped them to survive and after that they decided to live in secret for the time being. He also thanked both of them for helping his family.

Uday Sighed in relief and said without thinking,
"It means the plan worked."

Plan ....what plan,what do you mean? Asked sahadeva.

"No.. nothing."replied Uday trying to dodge the question ,he almost forgot that  karna did not wanted to reveal that he had helped the pandavas.

"Tell me,please...you don't know what I am going through,after leaving elders in Hastinapur, leaving Shakti and dada karna behind I feel lost ,tell me if their is something which can provide me some comfort" pleaded sahadeva almost tearful.

Uday then told him ,how karna and Shakti were the ones to sent information to Vidur ,who in turn forwarded it to them.

"So ,it was dada and Shakti with your help , who saved our lives and noone knows about it , why didn't they told me themselves,did they thought I will not believe them and who was the one to conspire against us?"

"They wanted to talk to you but you were not there, you never attended my engagement ceremony." Uday told him.

Sahadeva apologized for not being able to attend.the ceremony and congratulated him .Uday told him not to worry and he understands his circumstances.Uday also told him that they thought that sakuni was the one to conspire against them.

He also apologised to Eklavya for all he had to go through because of them and also thanked him.
Eklavya told him that what's in the past should remain in the past ,he does not hold any grudges against them.

"I wish ,I could meet them soon again ,I miss dada karna and Shakti very much." Sahadeva finally said taking a sharp intake of air.

Eklavya and Uday exchanged a look ,which sahadev immediately noticed.

"What is it ,tell me ? Is it something about dada and shakti?" Sahadev demanded.

Seeing sahadeva not backing off,Uday told him that after Pandavas left ,karna and Shakti also left Hastinapur and no one knows where they are? He came to know this ,when he one day visited Karna' s shop and found adhiratha Kaka working there,Kaka told him that karna and Shakti has left Hastinapur...on asking why ,he did not give any answer and told Uday to not come looking for karna again here.
Uday asked him if there is any news about the well being of   
Karna and Shakti or were they in any danger.
Adhiratha Kaka told him that there is not news and if there was any he would tell Uday.
After that Uday has been searching for any news regarding karna and Shakti everywhere but to no avail.

Sahadeva was devastated knowing all this ,he fall to his knees and was in distress.

Eklavya put hand on his shoulder and told him ,not to worry because it is impossible to harm or defeat karna and he would not let anything happen to Shakti as well.
He told him to wait for the right time to meet them again.
Uday nodded.
After a while Sahadev calmed down and all went back to their respective huts after saying goodbye and promising to keep their talk a secret. And not to reveal ,karna and Sahadev's relation to  anyone ,also that Pandavas were alive. It was all going to be a secret.

Sahadeva went back to sleep besides Nakul ,when Nakul asked hi twin ,where he went .Sahadev told him that he went to the toilet. Nakul did not fully believe him but let it go for now.

Sahadeva layed awake that night worrying about karna and Shakti .he wished that the time come soon ,when he could meet them again.
Thank you guys for all the love and support,you are showing my story.
I especially love reading all the comments.
Thank you.
Love you all.
Take care.

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